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A healthy party for my mouth..
15 Aug 2013, 05:49
I watched a doco on taste and that some of us are super tasters.

Anyhow, there was a section on miracle berry and this berry fruit can change the shape of sour and sweet taste buds on the tongue, lasting up to an hour. I have bought some and the ingredients are miracle berry powder an cornstarch. Hey, they make grapefruit heavenly and lemons too. Cottage cheese is creamy like cheesecake and pickles like candy. Heck, I'll give it a go. You only live once and this is my little something for being healthy. I wouldnt go it regularly, anything is addictive in my opinion.

I'll report my findings and see if this is hoopla hype or not. :grin:
Haven't yet seen any serious research but found a couple of articles on this. ... betes.html

Sounds too good to be true, particularly for someone like me who keeps off the sugar.
Sounds great - I'll be watching out for your findings!
Sounds interesting. Says it works on spicy/hot food too. I'd love to drink hot sauce and freak out my friends who tease me for always ordering mild. :D
...and that guinness can taste like chocolate. I am buying my sour bitter and spicy stuff today. Its fast day and will have my tongue tripping party tomorrow night.
There is a Young's Double Chocolate Stout that tastes just beautiful even without the berries :)

I've wanted to try these since I first heard of them a couple of years ago. They sound intriguing. Would love to know if eating a lot of acidic things make your stomach feel queasy or not.
KataMac wrote: There is a Young's Double Chocolate Stout that tastes just beautiful even without the berries :)

I've wanted to try these since I first heard of them a couple of years ago. They sound intriguing. Would love to know if eating a lot of acidic things make your stomach feel queasy or not.

I plan on taking it easy, but I have grated the whole peel and contents of a frozen lemon and drank it with water before and all was good.

This miracle berry only changes food taste that is strong tasting. Some foods remain unchanged. It has no effect on warmed up food.

I got my ruby red grapefruit, lemons and limes ready. I'm buying a guinness beer tomorrow. I saw that apple cider vinegar can taste like apple cider. We'll see :smile:
Well, this is very interesting. I am a Super Taster who reacts very strongly to bitter. I will be watching your results with interest. I would honestly like to expand my green veggies. I get so tired of eating the same 3 that I can tolerate over and over again.
You might like to watch BBC Horizon 2013 'The truth about taste' its on you tube now.
Well that was interesting. I made a sour platter of lemon, limes and grapefruit, passionfruit, kiwi and pineapple.
I pre tasted a bit of each and they definitely tasted like they were sprinkled with sugar after I dissolved the miracle berry in my mouth.
I could not believe I was eating the flesh of lemons and limes.

That was fun:)
I tried a Miracle Berry tablet today, having finally received my order from Amazon. Had some low-fat greek yoghurt immediately after and it did taste like cheesecake - sweetish but not very sweet. I like! I'm going to try it on blackberries and raspberries next.

Thanks, Zamale!
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