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Non-diet Chat

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I'd love to meet up - had a loverly time with Nessie and Dhana last time I was over.
Won't be back in the UK til summer though :(
@Janeg do you have any way if getting in touch with Dhana. I have left PMs for her but they are not being picked up. I know I'm not the only one who misses her here, thanks,

Ballerina x :heart:
Ballerina wrote: @Janeg do you have any way if getting in touch with Dhana. I have left PMs for her but they are not being picked up. I know I'm not the only one who misses her here, thanks,

Ballerina x :heart:

Yep me too. A scottish meetup without her would be a shame - or a meet up elsewhere TBH :cry:
Wow. A fast thread! Have clearly not been paying attention in class! Count me in. I will try to fit in. Newcastle, Sheffield, Edinburgh or Leicester.
Perhaps we could have 2 or 3 spaced out over the spring / summer in different places - London and the South, the Midlands / North, and Scotland.
All too far away from Cornwall :frown:
Is this just about a short meet (that would not be something I would fly in for from the continent) or are we in for something more substantial. When I am daydreaming I see something like a 2 day 5:2 conference, where:
All the contenders for the forum community awards could have a role:
Inspirational weight loss stories
Wonderful food from the chefs
Brainbox-ers present the latest insights
Stories about persistence of hope and Triumph trough adversity
Fitness workshops
Greeters that welcome all the participants
You name it, more ideas are welcome!
And of course all sessions linked to each other by presentations of our favorite Rib-ticklers :lol:

Yes, I would certainly come for such an event :like:

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one ...

Sure, it would be a long flight from down-under, but hey we might be able to charter an entire plane (and who wouldn't like to spend some time in the UK in summer).
Aw shucks, I can't get to the UK until 2015. But it will be a grand tour then, as hubby has work in Scotland and I'm determined to visit Glastonbury (I grew up in Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA), Cardiff and Hampton Court Palace.
I fear you're a dreamer @P-JK, but it would be very inspirational, but I think it would need 5 days, not 2!!

@Tracieknits we'll make a date for 2015 to make sure you see us in all our gory glory!
@PennyforThem - That would be lovely! :heart:
PennyForthem wrote: I fear you're a dreamer @P-JK, but it would be very inspirational, but I think it would need 5 days, not 2!!

Ok, let's make it 5 days, but we might need some sponsors: producers of health measurement products, health insurance companies/organisations, organisations of medical experts, newspapers, a TV station??

Yes, dreaming, but dreaming is already half of the fun :wink:
How about several meets on different dates. Then we could work out where we could get to.I find N/S travel is much easier than E/W travel and it expect it is the same for those on the East side.
Birmingham or Cardiff for me. Dependent on health issues. II would really love a meet up though.
Silverdarling wrote: Perhaps we could have 2 or 3 spaced out over the spring / summer in
different places - London and the South, the Midlands / North, and Scotland.

Ooh, spaced out meetings, yes please

Ballerina x :heart:
Would love to meet you guys. I live near Carlisle so Edinburgh, Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester would be Ok but not too early! Would we have lunch or sit and fast? :lol:
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