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Please someone do put us in the picture - :curse: will give my Moser Roth choc to be rid of these!
Silver darling AdBlock is a program we use in Australia to block ads.I don't know if it is available in Britain but if you Google it you might find it or something similar
For those interested, here are the links where you can find adblock plus I gave last night on the other thread :wink:

link for Chrome

link for Firefox
It worked a treat for me Manderley, thanks again!
No good for me. Have downloaded adblocker for safari, but have to open in dropbox, and can't do that unless. I have the right app apparently. No idea what that is. Not happy. Ho hum. I think I will be taking a little holiday from this site!
Thanks Manderley - the link worked for me too.
@Silverdarling, I am downloading Safari right now, to know exactly how it works. I'll try to ad Safari Adblock and will tell you after the changes I made for it to work. Don't worry, we WILL find a proper solution, I promise :wink:
I have managed to block ads on my computer- await information on how to do it on safari with interest.
So, I am on Safari now. I went on the extensions (applications) section, downloaded adblock and adblock plus and it seems to work fine.

Now I am on a PC and it may be different with mac but, I don't think so. However I found this link, just in case
Just read the reviews on Adblock in the Kindle app store. As a people report that it trashed their browser, prevented them logging into favourite sites, blocked access to the app store, messed up their WiFi connection etc I won't be installing it
I use Adblock for years now and never had any issues with it whatsoever. I don't think the issues they had was because of Adblock, but because of some plugins.

FYI, I use it regularly with Chrome, Firefox, Opera
Well I downloaded it and thank you Manderley things are much improved!
Thank goodness for that!
I have tried to download it for android, clicked the button to allow it in settings and it's not working. I still have those ads.
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