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Anxiety, not again.
23 Aug 2021, 10:29
Previous research reports have found that during similar viral outbreaks, people are more likely to experience mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and traumatic stress. Individuals in various parts of the world have reported higher levels of stress, anger, anxiety, and depression as a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic. These factors may play a role in these workers' poor mental health outcomes. Essential workers are more likely than non-essential workers to report anxiety or depressive symptoms (42% vs. 30%, respectively), to begin or increase substance use (25% vs. 11%), and to consider suicide in the previous 30 days (22% vs. 8%). Do you have any thoughts about this? cuz having anxiety nowadays is pretty common ngl.
Re: Anxiety, not again.
27 Aug 2021, 08:47
That's really bad news. I know there's an end to this one and we only need to raise ourselves.
Re: Anxiety, not again.
30 Aug 2021, 07:25
manila wrote: That's really bad news. I know there's an end to this one and we only need to raise ourselves.

Yes, heads up everyone. We will need to raise ourselves up to no matter how hard the situation is.
Re: Anxiety, not again.
06 Sep 2021, 11:08
Why did i say everyone if we are the only one here? I mean, all people here are gone.
Re: Anxiety, not again.
06 Sep 2021, 11:10
manila wrote: need to raise ourselves.

This is an issue for everyone. Some people can't raise themselves because they think they can't. Social anxiety, depression or whatever mental health disease you're having, we shouldn't be losing faith.
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