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I went to see "About Time" this afternoon
We usually go to " Silver Screen" which is cheapo seats and a free cuppa and biccies for us over60s,every Tues and Thurs..
But today was Sunday so no S/Screen but still got a small reduction thank goodness( cinema tickets are quite pricey!)
We enjoyed the film..yeh it's corny in places but extremely funny too and quite touching at times..i had a tear in my eye once or twice
Some fab shots of beautiful Cornwall and great shots of London too,and a good soundtrack.
I wanted popcorn after seeing the couple next to us and a woman in front with vast buckets of it,but i settled for sparkling water instead.... * shining up my halo*

One of my all time fave films is Beautiful Thing ..a rite of passage film,very funny in places and highly recommended! X another big fave is O Brother Where Art Thou ( hilarious)! X
I just saw Hugo on the weekend. It was lovely!
Movies are so expensive in the US, I almost never go see any. The only one I've seen this year was Joss Whedon's version of "Much Ado About Nothing" - it was excellent!
Movies are cheap in the US compared to Japan. Not that that helps at all. I mostly wait until DVDs are cheap. They often have a three for $30 deal here.
Really? wow. I can't abide the $15 ticket prices, not when you can wait six months or so and rent the DVD for $1. But then I'm often very cheap with my money, so I can save up for things that matter like nice vacations.
We've actually had free tickets since April and I haven't found anything worth using them on yet. We probably go to the movies once or twice a year and then it is usually a family movie that we take the kids to see. Problem with that is that as the kids get older it gets harder to find a movie we can all agree on. The last one was Wreck-It-Ralph and the older kids wanted to see it since they are gamers.

The free tickets were from OH's work and there are only 2 so we are saving them for a date night in the city. I thought about seeing Gatsby but we didn't get around to it and now will wait for it to hit the Redbox. I just haven't seen any previews that even interest me. Sad really with all the billions spent on that industry and they can't even convince me to spend the gas money and time on a trip to the city when I already have free tickets!

Sorry, I guess I've rambled on and I have absolutely no help for you. :wink:
Love the idea of you and hub having date nights x lovely idea!
We usually have a date night every week. We don't usually go to "The City," though. Tonight we went to the closest small town and had dinner at Culver's; brought home a pizza for the 3 kids and called it a night. Nothing fancy, just a meal out without the kids. This is a lot easier to do every week now that our oldest two are teenagers.
I can't recommend Untouchable highly enough. It's a French comedy about a a disabled man & his carer and it's touching and yes......hilarious. See it before they remake it in English and spoil it!
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