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Just curious. I tried them in a stir fry last night, Slendierslim they're called and it was very nice. What wasn't so nice was the night that followed. Suffice it to say, I spent more time in the loo than in bed :pissedoff:
I'm feeling rather exhausted today and concerned that I have another couple of packets. I could test them on the hubby, but that would be cruel :wink:
I have some yam ones to try too.

Anyone else experienced 'side effects'?
I didn't get that side effect but the first time I tried them (a couple of years ago now) I became convinced after a couple of mouthfuls that if they weren't digestible they'd come out like they went in..... Totally destroyed my appetite so a success of sorts I suppose!
Hehe, I thought you were talking about Cognac noodles. Oh, I though, will there be vodka, rum and whiskey flavoured ones too?

I'll get my coat.
Ha ha, another Fast Show fan Swedey?

And unfortunately swedes have a similar effect :oops:
I have been using them intermittently for a while,and have never had a problem. Last night I tried the BareNaked noodle (Brits might remember them from Dragons Den)and I thought they were nice than others I've tried :smile:
Interesting, just read a foodwatch website review and the reviewer had the same problem, but not quite as severe. Not just me then!! Will persevere, just perhaps use less next time!! :cloudy: :cloudy: :cloudy: :cloudy: :cloudy: :oops:
Sorry to hear that, Debs. I've been having these quite regularly in stir-fries. No problem. In fact they fill me up so well, I'm inclined to regard them as a gift from 5:2 heaven! And the miracle berries (another thread) too.

I would never have known of either if it hadn't been for this forum. I'm happy! :)
I tried them again last night and had the same problems, very odd. I'll try them once more in a different dish and if it happens again, I shall regretfully decide that they aren't for me.
Miracle berries? must look into that
I like them but they're so expensive!
Perhaps they are a bit like psyllium in that you have to gradually work up to full 'dosage' for them to be as effective without being too effective?
You may be right, I shall halve the portion. I did a search of side effects and what I experienced can happen apparently. Half portion next time!!
I found them in a little Asian store for half the price($2.13) of those in the major supermarkets but I had to ask for them as the packaging was all in Japanese!
What exactly did you ask for Debs?
Lil :heart:
Shiritaki noodles. The young lady lead me straight to them.
Miracle Berry is this fruit that temporarily changes your test buds so sour things taste sweet. It's quite remarkable and brilliant for the occasional treat if you have to stay off sugar as I do (because of candida, not diabetes).

It makes plain Greek yoghurt taste a bit like cheesecake but not too sweet. I love it but use with caution - haven't been able to find any info about negative side-effects but still have a feeling this is too good to be true!

Here's the link to the original thread about it (hope this works!):

chat-f12/a-healthy-party-for-my-mouth-t7717.html?hilit=Miracle berries.
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