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Non-diet Chat

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Just attempted another one, can anyone see it?!
She might be in the second pic. No wait...that may be a scene from the Alien series... or a Saguaro cactus from orbit. Yeah, that's it.

Slow the transition down if you can Debs, we can't discern the second pic.
Yes I can see the new pics - even though I don't know what the second one is!

It's a cactus. If you blow the screen up to 400% you can count the spines....
I couldn't see it before, but now i can.
Can see the dog, but the second one looks like something the dog did from this distance. Awww can we still have your picture please too??? I like to see your face :heart:
It's a start, shall work on it tomorrow!!
It's a dog with its legs in the air isn't it? Has it just win Crufts?!

Bean :shock:
I can't see anything and anyway, I miss seeing your lovely face

Ballerina x :heart:
Oh, just popped up, one tired out dog and one........erm..............don't know what the other one is, looks nothing like you though........ :shock: ....please tell me it isn't you :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
I can see your pics and had to enlarge to work out the second one, but like beanie's question thou :lol: happy doggie
Hee Hee, both my beautiful dogs, Thom is in the matinee idol pose, Joe is in his favourite place, the water being Lab-like!!
It's back, and aren't they lovely. Mine popped off into cyber space for a while yesterday too.
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