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Great to see you posting again @Manderley - a few of us were getting worried! Sorry to hear about the health problems but good to hear that these are being sorted. Look forward to hearing about your birthday celebrations :heart:
*waves* to Manderley

Au moins t'es en France, tu seras bien soignée!! Courage et en avant. Bises xxxx
Welcome back! It will be good to have your comments again. Heal quickly!
Good to hear you are on the mend. Take it easy so you are as recovered as you can be ready for next week.
Missed your lovely presence therefore so glad you are back. Look after you
Thanks again for your kind words and all your encouragements, in the middle of a lot of frustration you are all breaths of fresh air :heart:

Frustration as it's really difficult to do anything with one hand. I mean, I always cursed when I had a leg injured but damn the arm is really really tricky and I really really wish I had a washing machine to do the dishes :razz:

Anyway, just to be clear, the blood pressure drop has nothing to do with my weight, just with a lack of sleep and a lot of stress. It's still pretty low but the doctor says that it's much better that if it was too high and I always had a low blood pressure, the only issue is with the lost of consciousness.

For my Bday next week I don't know what'll happen. In fact, I only know that I plan to eat profiteroles and raspberries but that's about it for now. I just wish I could have a little weekend where I used to live in England but, not to worry, I will go back one day. :cool:

It took me around 10 minutes to type all that. Gosh I feel old and slow :rotfl:
Lovely to see you back, hope things get back to normal for you soon,

Ballerina x :heart:
Glad to hear from you! I'm sorry it wasn't a more enjoyable reason for your absence. I hope you're feeling better soon and that you have a fantastic birthday.
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