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Blocked Eustachian tubes?
11 Sep 2013, 13:10
Hi Guys

After almost 6 weeks of suffering from sinus headaches, and latterly sore ears, I went to the doctors and she diagnosed blocked Eustachian tubes :bugeyes: It's not just the stuffed up head but the nausea and dizziness that is horrible. :sick:

They aren't infected, just blocked, so she prescribed me a yucky steroid nasal spray. Unfortunately this might take up to a week to start working.

So has anyone else suffered from this long term and do you have any tips on how to cope with it? Pain killers don't have any affect and Doc advised against decongestants as the rebound can make the pain and swelling worse. I'm also taking an antihistamine in hope.

TIA for any suggestions

Re: Blocked Eustachian tubes?
11 Sep 2013, 13:19
Hi Alf Ooch you must be suffering :curse: don't know if this will do any good but no harm in trying, the dish/bowl off boiling water and a large bath towel over your head and inhale try to go for at least 5 minutes and repeat a few times throughout the day :heart: worked for me with my bronchitis a few years ago. :clover: Sue. :clover:

The oldies are the best !!
Re: Blocked Eustachian tubes?
11 Sep 2013, 13:27
Sounds similar to labyrinthitis which I've had a few times. Sorry to say nothing helped medicine wise, but limiting head movements eg. turning my body and not my head etc. helped the dizziness. Does look a bit strange, but needs must! :grin: Had to stop driving during each episode as I was dangerous!! I found an American website which gave a specific set of movements to do, or contortions, and that had a dramatic result, immediate improvement.
I hope you get better soon, it is horrible being nauseous and dizzy.
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