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So with four big bush fires burning around here I guess we have started the season early. It's 30 degrees here with very strong winds. I can see the smoke from the fires from my house but thankfully they aren't close.
@Juliana I hope your not near the fires. Stay safe everyone.
Hmm that IS early. Hope that's not a bad omen for summer. Stay safe.
Thanks Wineoclock, I'm at Warrimoo so no fires here. I got a text from my kid' school at Springwood at 2.30 saying that there was a fire at Hawskbury Heights and Hawksbury Rd was closed and to call the school for alternate transport arrangements so that was a bit of a worry but the school said they'll be on their normal bus thank goodness. A teacher I worked with today who lives near Windsor got a call from her Mum saying that the teachers house had been evacuated just then and grandma was going to pick up her kids. Frightening. Fingers crossed everyone will be safe. I hope the fires don't get too close to you.
@Julianna I'm in Warrimoo too!!! What a small world. My kids old school at Cranebrook was evacuated.
Terrible news - hope u guys are safe up there in the mountains...I've never even heard of Warrimoo :>)
Not a good sign for summer is it? Hope the fires are under control soon.
Warrimoo is a tiny suburb- blink and you'll miss it. What a small world @Wineoclock. We've probably been in the same express line at Supa IGA!!!
Sounds like a get together and a coffee must be in the offing for you too.

Just saw the fires on telly. Hope everyone ok. Now is the time to not like being so close to our forests. That wind was here in Shoalhaven and I straight away thought how bad it would be with fires.

Keep safe veryone
Wish I hadn't read this post, bit of a trigger for me. I developed a phobia of bush fires, I'm rural and this didnt even enter my mind pre black saturday. I will not check my cfa app every 2 minutes, I will not. I will be sensible and tell myself, when you see the locate me button on the app, it only looks like the fire is close, but in reality its much further away.
I swore black and blue, I would relish winter and alls it cold and wetness, and never complain how cold it was. I seriously detest summer now. :frown:
Take care all those in the area xx
Oh My, I have just read this thread before I'm off to bed, it stuff of nightmares. Stay safe all our friends in Aussie land. :heart:

Chris x
zamale were you in Black Saturday? I was in the ACT bushfires in 2003 when many died, 500 lost their homes and most of the ACT was burned. I too developed a kind of PTSD. For example, if I heard an emergency broadcast siren (testing,say, or in a movie) I would have a full-on panic attack, unable to breathe. It's been 10 years now and all I can say is, it does get easier. I don't think it will ever completely go away though.
No, I was not physically effected or directly hurt. Last year, there was one at Chepstowe, and on the app it was in line with our property, given the wind direction we were lucky.

I just have that kind of personality that is way too sensitive and over react way too much. I dread summer. But I have all my photos and videos of my baby children now grown, at hte front door. I can lose the lot but not life or photos/videos.
No, I was not physically effected or directly hurt. Last year, there was one at Chepstowe, and on the app it was in line with our property, given the wind direction we were lucky.

I just have that kind of personality that is way too sensitive and over react way too much. I dread summer. But I have all my photos and videos of my baby children now grown, at hte front door. I can lose the lot but not life or photos/videos.

Sorry Tara, for what you went through, I hope the ptsd can get lesser as time goes. Glad you survived too. :smile:
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