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Non-diet Chat

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So, if they're really fruits, does this mean they are more healthy!!?
Not if they contain carbs and you're trying to go low carb (as many on this forum would advocate).
I was being facetious! And I'm not low carbing.
Complex carbs such as the kind contained in fruits and veggies are good for you and usually contain lots of micro-nutrients. What should be reduced is the simple carbs, such as the kind found in pastas, breads, cookies, etc.

This is what I believe based on the research and reading I've done.
Melinda_in_NC wrote: Complex carbs such as the kind contained in fruits and veggies are good for you and usually contain lots of micro-nutrients. What should be reduced is the simple carbs, such as the kind found in pastas, breads, cookies, etc.

This is what I believe based on the research and reading I've done.

^This^ Also, you only count your "net" carbs, so you subtract the fibre content. Sadly cashews don't have a lot of fibre.... unlike our friend - the humble almond....
Ahh... No wonder they're higher in carbs then..
Yeah, and 'm sure that I'll find something in the end that isn't high in carbs although when I do eventually find something that is actually low carb, I wouldn't be surprised if someone on this forum still says that it has too many carbs.
johncs2013 wrote: Yeah, and 'm sure that I'll find something in the end that isn't high in carbs although when I do eventually find something that is actually low carb, I wouldn't be surprised if someone on this forum still says that it has too many carbs.

Brazil nuts + walnuts are quite low.. Both 3g carbs per 100g :like:
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