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CoViD-19 Chat Thread
19 Nov 2020, 07:39
Hello all!

I made this thread to see if I can make this forum lively again.

How are you dealing with the CoViD-19 pandemic? Is the pandemic giving you stress?
Is your place undergoing lockdown? What are you doing right now?

Stay healthy everyone!
Re: CoViD-19 Chat Thread
24 Nov 2020, 01:50
No lockdown here, still hoping that this pandemic will end soon.
Re: CoViD-19 Chat Thread
27 Nov 2020, 02:48
Fanwear wrote: Is the pandemic giving you stress?
Stay healthy everyone!

Actually, I got stressed out sometimes especially when we run out of goods on our refrigerator. but this article helps me to cope with my stress ... -pandemic/
Re: CoViD-19 Chat Thread
04 Dec 2020, 09:02
manila wrote:
Fanwear wrote: Is the pandemic giving you stress?
Stay healthy everyone!

Actually, I got stressed out sometimes especially when we run out of goods on our refrigerator. but this article helps me to cope with my stress ... -pandemic/

Nice article, and yes It is indeed a helpful one.
Re: CoViD-19 Chat Thread
12 Jan 2021, 07:33
Fanwear wrote: Hello all!

I made this thread to see if I can make this forum lively again.

How are you dealing with the CoViD-19 pandemic? Is the pandemic giving you stress?
Is your place undergoing lockdown? What are you doing right now?

Stay healthy everyone!

It really brings a lot of stress for me! Wish we could turn back time.
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