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Do any of you make up hampers?
22 Nov 2013, 18:27
I do, but I consider my efforts very amateur, even though I sell them.
But I look at others, who seem much more polished than me.
If you excel at packaging/presentation can any of you recommend a video on making up hampers/bows/trims etc, please...

Yours ever gratefully... xx
Lots of gift wrapping and hamper making vids on YouTube Penny. I have been known to make my own chocolates, chilli jam, spiced nuts, quince jelly and flavoured vodkas over the years, but I tend to fall down somewhat on the packaging side! Lakeland do have some decent packaging stuff though. It's amazing what you can do with gold boxes, baskets and ribbons :grin:
I am making a big one this year for the family we are having Christmas lunch with. I always buy nice baskets, line with a good quality tea towel and home make the chutneys, jams, mustards etc which go in and cellophane with ribbons and Christmas decorations. I think hampers are nice and once the contents are demolished the basket and tea towels still useful. I am adding some mugs filled with nice chocolates and teas
That sounds really lovely. Maybe a photo when its finished to inspire those of us who would love some ideas and are artisically challenged?
I have done hampers in the past and a lot depends how much you wish to spend. Bottles of wine bump up the cost a lot as can buying baskets. If I am trying to do one on a budget then I cover a shallow cardboard box ( picked up free from any supermarket ) in Christmas wrapping paper and line it with scrunched up tinfoil to give it a seasonal look. Once I've arranged everything as artistically as I can manage I then scatter gold and silver chocolate coins over everything to give it a sort of treasure chest look. You can then cover the whole thing in the same paper which you used to cover the box or use cellophane and wired ribbons to 'tart up' the finished look. Good luck and yes, a photograph would be great.

Ballerina x :heart:
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