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Non-diet Chat

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14 Mar 2014, 15:33
Today, I have been quite blown away!
It was quiet at the market, so I had a chance to try water divining, or dowsing. I was quite sceptical, but to my surprise, the rods moved in their mysterious way for me.
But then...I got to try dowsing with a dowsing crystal. I was even more sceptical and, to my even greater surprise, it was showing very clear yes/no pendulum signs to the questions I asked it.

Now at home, I have tried it with my door key on a short chain and again, it has worked when asked questions. I know my 'yes' answer is side to side, whereas no is forward/back.

I'm not quite sure if or how I'd ever use it, but just the very fact of trying it and seeing the reaction has amazed me.

So, have you ever tried it? if so, what for?
Re: Dowsing
14 Mar 2014, 15:35
Yes i did try it Penns and like you i found it fascinating and true!
But its so long ago,my poor little brain can't remember!
Hope all yr fourfooted babies are ok today x
Re: Dowsing
14 Mar 2014, 16:08
Yes, I dowse.

With a 'pendulum', such as your crystal or key on a chain, my Yes is clockwise and No anti-clock. With rods (and you can make your own from pieces of wire bent in an L shape) my Yes is crossed and No is points outward...

I use it for all sorts - finding objects that I've misplaced, answering questions (should I...), and so on.

There's a very good book on the topic 'Dowsing - the ultimate guide for the 21st century' by Elizabeth Brown.

Have fun with it!
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