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How do I add my photo?
25 Jul 2013, 21:26
Hi Everyone

I wish to add my own photo but am having trouble doing so. :curse: I have read the previous advice and yes I can find in the control panel how to edit the avatar. however I do not know my URL as all of our photos are just on our laptop or memory pen.

Some one suggested to go to Control panel, Edit Avatar and then just select Browse, well mine doesn't have a browse option. Am I blind or too stupid? :frown:

Going away tomorrow, just hubby and me to Portrush and hope to have a nice photo after that. :clover:

Any ideas? I know that I have to resize it but how do I load it?
Re: How do I add my photo?
25 Jul 2013, 22:19
Alexandra see this post by Dominic

It's from Forum and Tracker help section :like: :clover:
Re: How do I add my photo?
25 Jul 2013, 22:33
Thank you. I had tried finding it using the google search box but all answers I could find didn't work for me. I have copied/pasted his how to guide and will attempt it next week once I have some up to date photos.
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