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Non-diet Chat

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That's fantastic!!!

I have group of real life friends who saw how much weight I had lost with 5:2 -- and only one of them could even bring themselves to try it. And she hated it. They all joined weight watchers and convinced me to join with them. Now they watch me doing my hybrid combination of 5:2 and weight watchers, and I'm losing *FAR* more weight than any of them (although not as much as the BSDers here in this forum). They're still not convinced. They still don't believe it's safe, no matter how many articles I post.

People have their reasons for being entrenched in their obesity. It's hard to watch, but it's really their journey. Two of these women are like sisters to me. One of them is the same weight I was 4 years ago when I started losing weight. Since April, I've lost 34 more pounds. She has lost 5. I'm down a total of 71. She's down a total of 5. And we were fat at the same time.

And she's still not interested in 5:2. She still says it's too hard, even though I've tried to gently suggest that being that heavy is harder.

Just when you despair that everyone is on their own path, and that you can't really help anyone with what you've learned about weight loss, in pops this wonderful woman into your life who not only listened, but did it and came back to thank you. What a joy!!
Good for you spreading the word,and anyone wanting to try it,I am hoping my cholesterol goes down as well because that's my main reason for the fasting
Hey @Newgirl...don't hold your breath, my cholesterol is still rather high, 2+ years in. However....did you hear about the study that found older adults with "high" readings lived the longest, statistically speaking, with all causes of death combined? Not that I particularly care about or believe in such studies, seems they can prove or disprove pretty much anything, not terribly convincing. I stay on 5.2 despite a longgggg plateau because I know the 30+ pounds I lost are just waiting to come barreling back if I don't....While I'm not skinny now, I'm no longer obese.
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