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Non-diet Chat

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...become famous and do a stint on I'm a Celebrity!!!! :shock:

Rebecca Adlington, our luffly Olympic champion, has apparently lost two stone (28lbs) during her 19 days of "incarceration" in the jungle!! She didn't even look overweight when she went in! Just shows it must be tougher than we think......

I was amazed that the collective loss of the 7 evictees last night was revealed as over TEN stone!!! (That's 140lbs for non-UK'ers)
Reminds me of the old joke Domane..
How to lose ten pounds of ugly fat...cut off your head! :lol: :lol: :razz:
But how much did they put on afterwards?
Oh dear, I hope that wasn't also due to a post I read, I think on the BBC, that she wouldn't wear a bikini in the program as she felt self-conscious next to models. This is from a woman that swims in front of millions of people. Show's how fragile our self-confidence is; I'd rather have her as a role model than all the twiggy models any day, at least she has achieved something to be proud of!
Noticed the title of this thread because I once lost more than one stone in three weeks by (wait for this great diet secret!)....not eating anything. For three weeks. Or drinking anything, for that matter.

Moderators, don't pull my post for advocating extreme diet plans please. :smile: I was in the hospital with an IV in my arm, and this is actually not a weight loss strategy that I recommend. When I got out, all recovered, minus some internal organs, and I was eating again, I thought "great - I haven't been this light in decades - I'll never be overweight again." Wrong.

But now that I'm using a more sustainable weight loss strategy, and I'm down to about the weight I was when I exited the hospital, it's a different story, and I really won't ever be overweight again :smile:
Ok, promise!!! :wink: :bugeyes:
Debs wrote: Ok, promise!!! :wink: :bugeyes:

I promise.

What's really interesting is that I had this same absolute certainty immediately after reading the NYT article about Dr. M. I hadn't lost an ounce (or a gram) and I knew that this would be my WOL forever. Guess you'll have to check back with me in a decade or two to find out if I was right, though.
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