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Non-diet Chat

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OOOO, that's spooky, subliminal suggestions or what?:lol: :grin: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
What! LOL!
TML13 re the Retsina...good lord are they still making it?? my youth I worked in a Greek restaurant and after work some of us girls would go out with the manager Spiro to a nightclub called Mykonos. What an eyeopener for us! They sold only Scotch in half bottles...soft drinks by the jug...and RETSINA! So as we didn't drink scotch my friend and I, so we drank was like paint stripper but we persevered in the name of fun :wink: Men used to send bottles of it to our table and bottles of Scotch for the cute little Argentinian girl who DID drink scotch. Talk about dreams...or nightmares. Spiro (& others) used to pour the scotch onto the floor and set fire to it! I remember these 2 girls with it burning in an ashtray on a table while they Greek danced on the table, with flames licking their ankles. My friend (good looking blonde who the men loved), used to Greek dance on the tables(she made it up - more like a snake charmer's dance fuelled by Retsina LOL).I used to say to Spiro 'you Greeks are crazy'. All I could think was that the place was going to burn down and someone was going to get hurt. Those were the days - here's to Retsina. Get Swoon on the Retsina, put on the Jimmy Choos, a bandage dress (he'll have experience in taking bandages off), dance on his desk and you have no idea WHAT he'll do haha
Oh my! I love that you can remember your dreams like that! the only dreams that I can remember vividly were at quite pivotal points in my life....not to get Freudian or anything!! Most of mine involved losing teeth, but they do say that any dreams involving teeth / losing teeth / and I guess by extension, dental work is about fear of change. Certainly mine were when I was leaving uni and when I was changing job. Dare I psychoanalyse and suggest that 5:2 is opening up a whole new world...and that that takes courage! :))
Oh my! I love that you can remember your dreams like that! the only dreams that I can remember vividly were at quite pivotal points in my life....not to get Freudian or anything!! Most of mine involved losing teeth, but they do say that any dreams involving teeth / losing teeth / and I guess by extension, dental work is about fear of change. Certainly mine were when I was leaving uni and when I was changing job. Dare I psychoanalyse and suggest that 5:2 is opening up a whole new world...and that that takes courage! :))
WOW That's bloody good wine you opened last night :heart: :heart:
Could do with getting a crate of that!!! :clover: Sue
Love all the replies but definitely think this is a case of unrequited love
So ,you need a pedi ,then some very sexy open toe sandals and then go find Dr Swoon!
Oh,and maybe a new sexy bandage dress too
GMH wrote........"Get Swoon on the Retsina, put on the Jimmy Choos, a bandage dress (he'll have experience in taking bandages off), "........ :shock: :grin: :shock: :lol: :shock: :victory: :shock: :cool:

Love it,

Ballerina x :heart:
GMH, they do make it but I don't drink it! In fact, I hate even the thought of it, LOL!
I've done my fair share of dancing with flames, not on a table but on bars. It's not scary of dangerous when you're drunk, LOL!

I always remember my dreams. Yesterday I dreamt that there was a swimming pool in my neighbourhood and I went swimming but I couldn't find my flip flops. That was not the whole of it but I won't bore you with details.
99% of my nightmares involve school. As in taking exams without studying (the story of my school life, he he).

Pedis, sandals and bandages. Wouldn't that make a nice title for a book?
Shoes again?!

On reflection I think you need to go and ask Dr Swoon to accompany you to London to the mega M&S in Marble Arch to buy some shoes (and visit the food hall) right away, judging from your dreams I think it's a medical emergency!
Nicky_94 wrote: Shoes again?!

On reflection I think you need to go and ask Dr Swoon to accompany you to London to the mega M&S in Marble Arch to buy some shoes (and visit the food hall) right away, judging from your dreams I think it's a medical emergency!

YES IT IS!!! :like:
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