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Non-diet Chat

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Living in Gloucestershire for a few years I have been party to a few of these weird past times, of which shin kicking has to be the oddest!
The well dressing in Derbyshire is very pretty though.
Yes @Debs We do have some strange traditions
hadn't heard of the knob throwing, but can think of
quite a few I would have enjoyed throwing :shock: :shock:
We live on the edge of the peak district so have seen the well dressing yes they're all very pretty.
The strangest for me and I know done locally but never seen is toe wrestling!!! Yes they do it with their big toe :shock:
Me too, here at work :confused:
I have heard of toe wrestling funnily enough!! We're a weird bunch aren't we?!
What about the rolling the cheese down the hill, or the running down the hill, or the welly throwing, not down the hill.
Well dressing sounds great.
Oh yes, I was gonna ask about the cheese rolling. I can't bear to watch it. There is nothing worse than somebody breaking their leg and the leg facing the wrong way, or flailing in the wind. Its the only thing that really turns my stomach. I always dread someone is going to break their leg when watching football. Being an Arsenal fan, this happened a lot in recent years. Can't stand it!

Is it in Cambridge where young students hurl themselves off bridges? Its all a bit crazy to my mind

We always used to have a maypole when I was at primary school and the poor teachers would be demented trying to teach us a dance as we merrily got ourselves tangled up in the long ribbons!
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