Minsmum wrote: My hubbie usually grows a Movember tache.
Of course we could all do the ladies version in a couple of months...............Fannuary!!
That's hilarious. Wouldn't take me long to grow mine.
So getting back to the subject. I had a very embarrassing class this morning. Note to self I must put my glasses on earlier. I've been saving up my leg hair and a few other bits to get them epilated in time for center parcs on 8th. Well for some reason i thought it was this weekend so to my horror this morning went to get dressed and all my long gym bottoms were either wet, dirty, damp or hiding. So I ran out the door with some calf lengths on. Got to class and looked down to adjust my lace. Oh my Goodness. I thought I was looking at my husbands or sons legs. Honestly they were long enough to plait. Went to the bank after and the wind blew down the road and made them stand up on end bit a pretty sight. Anyway all shaved off now so ladies what's the longest you can leave your legs before shaving? Epilating does increase the amount of time between removal. but I like to get my legs out. Has anyone had them lasered?