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Both my parents have had them removed surgically, and both said they wish they'd done it sooner. But yes, I can totally understand the reluctance :oops: :shock: :dazed:
I have healed mine with a different approach. I don't know if you have vicks vapor rub over there (it's a rub you put on your throat for a sore throat) but vick applied right to the hemroid as many times as you wish really clears them up. I read it on a website and was so desperate I was willing to try anything and it worked
Thanks for all your very good advices. I didn't know about the vapo rub (we have the same here), As mine are mostly inside, it wouldn't be possible to use it, I suppose.

After a week with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of its oat and 2 prunes a day, my digestion is much much much better and on the hemorroids side, it's much better as well. No more excruciating pain and no more blood either.

The reason why I wouldn't take the surgery road is that the 2 last times I had to have an anaesthesia I almost died. I had a bad reaction to both anaesthetic so you understand I don't want to take a chance. Plus, they sometimes come back and when they do, it's with a vengeance.
Glad to hear you are doing so much better!
Glad to hear it's working (and absolutely understand you not wanting to go the surgery route :bugeyes: )
Thanks ! It's really ironic that, after weeks and weeks of different treatments, it's the most natural things that's working the best (and the cheapest too) :wink:
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