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Lovely news! But what will they call him?

Yes - Albert, Francis, James
No - Prince, Castle, Willkat

Any suggestions?
I have to say no to albert jsut can't bring myself to say prince albert :lol:
I like George or James not Henry though we've had enough King Henry's to last a lifetime!
Well, they have just announced his name on BBC News, apparently "he will be called Prince Something of Cambridge"........that's an unusual choice by anyone's standards. I would have preferred that he had been called 'Somebody' rather than 'Something' because a being a "Somebody" is much better than being a "Nobody" but hey ho, that's life.
"LONG LIVE KING SOMETHING!" It does have a certain ring to it and I'm sure the nation will now be inundated with little boys called 'Something'! God bless our new Prince Something, Diana would have been SO proud!
:grin: :lol: :grin: :lol: :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
Hi shoobie, I did laugh at your Prince Albert comment! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Prince Albert *snicker*
I keep thinking it'll be David, but I'm probably wrong.

Prince Albert... oh my!
As long as they don't call him Charming...btw, what's wrong with the name Albert? It never did my dad or son any harm?
sorry dhana nothing against the name its just that a prince albert is....... how shall I put it.........a gentlemans piercing (downstairs)
if you get what I mean :oops:
I must have led a sheltered life - no I don't know what you mean. :?: Anyway, neither my dad (probably too old) or my son (35) have any piercings. But that's beside the point- if you don't like the name Albert you can just say so :cry:
He he...

I am thinking that it won't be just one name and that one of the names could be Albert or Philip or Charles. I was secretly wishing for a girl, so that we could have another Princess Diana.
Hi Dhana,

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the name Albert, it's just that Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, is alleged to have had a piece of body furniture attached to his male member, hence the expression ' a Price Albert 'so, Albert on it's own is very acceptable name but unfortunately when you precede it with Prince it takes on an entirely different meaning. I'm sure no offence was intended to the millions of Alberts that exist including your dad and son,

Ballerina x :heart:
:?: Learn something new everyday ... :bugeyes: :doh: :confused: :lol:
hee! hee! Just a touch of mischievous mid summer madness - I was just kidding! No royal names in my family (although my dad is a proper Charlie!) Sorry Shoobie! :grin: Please don't send me to the Tower!!
You are one NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY girl, but we love you anyway, :kissed:

Ballerina x :heart:
My baby is called Albert, but as he's not a prince he can get away with it! I like a good regal name!
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