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I have been doing the 5:2 since january and as I had a blood test at the beginning I wanted to check to see if my weightloss has affected my bloods for the better- sadly not!!! I cannot understand what happened- having lost in the region of 1.5 stone I would have expected to have a significant change- my cholesterol increased!!!!!
Has anybody else had the same experience? would be good to hear from you!!
Could you give us more detail? What were the individual values for LDL and HDL, do you have Triglyceride values and was it a fasting day when the sample was taken?
How disappointing for you! I don't know whether it's any consolation to you to say the results might have been worse if you had not lost weight?
But surely other aspects of your health must have improved - I always think of the effect of all that weight on our joints for example! Think carrying around all those bags of sugar or pounds of lard or however one visualises excess weight!
I'm sure someone will be able to comment on the more technical side for you.
But keep up the good work anyway :clover:
Hi its your friend from across the pond, sorry to hear about your cholesterol results, you have done so well on your weight loss, don't let it dishearten you. Thank you for putting me onto this 5-2, you are a star.
Some say that cholesterol can go up for a while as the body releases the fat stored. I hope this is the case for you. Don't lose hope.
You must be disappointed I need to get mine checked and I will be too if my cholesterol has not improved .I understand that if you get tested a day after fasting it usually gives a higher reading ,perhaps that's what has happened with you.
thank you very much everybody!!!Brilliant to read so many different possibilities and all of them could be the case or a combination. The exact readings were glucose down from 5.1 to 4.7 (happy with that!!!)and cholesterol up from 6.5 to 6.8 so not MUCH difference but evenso- I had expected better.
However I will not give up as it is making me feel so much better and yes,pammy, you are right- it has done me the world of good with respect to my arthritic joints etc. and I have a picture of the amount of weight lost in the kitchen!!!
jac- how lovely to see you here- I didn't know you joined us and you are doing brill!!!! are you enjoying it? Definately much easier than weightwatchers etc!!!!
carol- it definately was a fasting blood test but not after a fast day if you know what I mean! But thank you for your thoughts- will check it all out a bit more now!!!
It could of course be that I still have a lot of weight to loose in the medical sense to get to healthy readings!!! Well- watch this space very carefully- may disappear!!! lol
again- thanks to all of you- I hope it is going well for you!! Have you had your readings done?
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