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Well done, your son. You have good reason to be proud. Hope it takes off like a rocket. :like: :clover:
Wonderful post! Especially here in the Midwest, we NEED conscientiously prepared, locally sourced food here in the meat & sausage capitol of the country! I wish them the best. If you are comfortable sharing, where is it? I'm also being nosy-what chain in the college towns? Congrats to all of you.
CONGRATS to your son and partner. I really hope it is a great success. I also wouldn't mind knowing the name and where this restaurant is! You can PM me if you prefer.
Thanks everyone for your very kind words.

What food is available in America really depends on where you are. In rural New England, there is a huge vogue for "farm to table", vegan, and locally grown food. Even our local hamburger drive in gives the option for ordering burgers made of locally grown beef and they hand cut their fries. Many of the small towns have independently owned restaurants rather than chains.

But other regions of the country have very different food availability, and some places you are pretty much limited to fast food or the dreadful chain restaurants where all the food comes into the kitchen in microwavable sealed packages from some central supply. (My daughter cooked at one of them for a week when she was young and reported that to us.)

We always had made from scratch food at home, sometimes pretty fancy, largely because I stayed home with the kids when they were little so we didn't have much disposable income. I taught both my kids how to cook when they were kids, and they both have become much better cooks than I am.

But in the interests of full disclosure, I do have to admit the the very first restaurant my son ever worked at (owned by his current partner) was cited specifically in David Kessler's book, "The End of Overeating" for having created a food that Kessler used as an example of something that was the apogee of utter unhealthiness. And I'm not entirely sure my son hadn't invented it. His excuse was that he was only 18 at the time.
It sounds lovely peebles. A UK comedian did a programme about going across the USA but only using what you call "mom and pop" owned places rather than big chains. ... 88A545E132
What a proud mum you must be @Peebles! Sounds like a wonderful restaurant too with everything being freshly made.

Big hugs to super proud mum!

Congratulations all round you must be one proud mother,

Ballerina x :heart:
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