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@marybeth I believe it's a word used only in Scotland and Ireland (might only be Northern Ireland, I'm not sure if they say it in the South or not) and it refers to running errands.
However a message being left for you might refer to something that a kitten or puppy might do in excitement :lol: :lol: :lol:
Please feel welcome to correct me if anyone thinks I have explained that incorrectly or can make a better job of it. Thanks x

Oh and I wanted to ask if that article is American as I paid careful attention today and the perimeter was fresh produce then ready meals along the left hand wall, ready cooked chicken, deli, butchers, fish counter, bakery (cakes!) and a miscellany along the back wall and booze down the right hand side. I visited the middle aisles for pre packed cheese, tea, coconut milk, rice, smoked fish, yoghurt, tinned sweetcorn and some frozen veg (makes my busy days easier)
However, I noticed a long time ago that there are a lot of aisles I don't visit now. What does everyone else do?
So sorry @Marybeth, I sometimes forget that some words/phrases are local. Messages is just 'food shopping'.

@Wendy Darling, @Tracieknits, this is something that everyone in the family will eat. I serve it with wraps and soured cream. I often add lots of onions and jalapenos but I am aware that it doesn't have much in the way of veg in it. I suppose I could add sweet peppers and mushrooms but youngest daughter doesn't like them! I could serve broccoli on the side but OH doesn't like that! I could serve it with a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and spring onions but that is boring! Mmm...
Marybeth wrote: :confused: Can someone enlighten this poor Yank? What do you mean by "doing messages"?

Hi @marybeth!
As @wendy darlingand@wildmissus said,it means running errands,usually for food shopping
I didn't realise it was still in general usage as i havent heard it in North West England since i was a child..i wonder if it died out in some parts as more people went to the supermarket rather than the High Street and very often by car,so the "running" aspect of going on a message/running errands became less relevant.
It's a phrase that means a lot to me as it evokes lots of childhood memories..i can remember running to the shops very proudly the first time i was allowed to do the messages,and all the subsequent years when it just turned into a nuisance rather than fun.Specially as my Nan was extremely fussy and i had to queue in three different bakeries, three different greengrocers,two different butchers, to get in all that she wanted.
My Mum was easier to please.! X
Thanks all who answered my query. No need to apologize, wildmissus--I like learning new things! :grin:
I'm an avid reader of British-based historical and detective fiction and pride myself on how many British expressions I know--always want to know more.
@marybeth we had another one a few days ago that one of our American friends was asking about. 'Chuffed' it's reasonably common with older people but not something young people would say. It means being very, very, pleased about something. ... sh/chuffed

Example - I am chuffed about the weight I have lost since discovering fasting.

There is a thread here somewhere about Brit speak. You can ask questions on there if you want to. Funny that for a small island we are very diverse and what is common in one part is not in a place a short distance away. Same with accents, they can change within a few miles.
@Wildmissus -- here in the states, it might be served with spiced black beans, pinto beans or refried beans on the side. Traditional garnishes are radish slices or avocado slices, along with sliced raw onion as well and cilantro/coriander leaves if you have them. Or grilled onions and sweet/bell peppers are also popular. Or you could throw all of the above in a wrap with some cheese and call it a burrito.

My son is the same way though, he'll only eat the meat and some cheese, and maybe some sour cream, in a flatbread/tortilla.
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