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Thinking about childhood christmases has led me on to teen memories and to ask the question...
Did you enjoy your teen years?
For me....Growing up in liverpool midsixties was the place to be,at the height of Beatlemania ..every girl had her favourite and mine was ( and still is). Georgetastic Harrison.
I was lucky enough have the " dollybird" look that was "in" at the time ..slim with very long straight hair,panstik make up and twiggy eyelashes!
Every time i stepped out of my front door,it felt like there was magic in the air...and i had the pleasure of many nights spent dancing at the Cavern..tho the Beatles had long gone by older sister however had been there from the Beatles earliest days and always came home raving about them
Would love to climb into a time machine and revisit those heady youthful times!
In answer to your question ...... NOOOOOOooooooooooooo! no no no NO. And that'll be a NO!!!! No no NO!!!!

(I think I mean No.)
CD - you were obviously blessed to be around at such a glamorous time, even if on the edge ... I know it was glamorous in L,Pool then, as a radio producer I once worked for years ago was Scouse and played in the other Club, what was it called, not the Cavern ... and he knew most of that crowd, including the Beatles, Gerry and the Pacemakers, Cilla ...
...and what about a pic of you from that time .....????? :cool: :cool: :cool:
Aww @SilverDarlingi am sorry about that..i hope yr twenties etc made up for it,like the Beatles sang,Getting Better All The Time
I do understand where youre coming from,coz my twenties were pretty grim :( and i would hate to have to relive them..i don't think i could go thru it again.......
Not sure which club you mean coz there were so many back then,and so many bands..i loved and still love the music scene,and its still very lively in Liverpool
Havent got many photos,mainly school ones..its a shame how no one took many photos like they do now..
and havent got a scanner ( is that how you put old photos online) but if i can work out a way,i will! X
Just looked it up, I knew it was the something door, and it was the Iron Door.

Yes 20s were better than teens, TG ...

Shame about the lack of pics ... Yes you'd need a scanner definitely ...

Perhaps an idea for a new thread - As You Were Years Ago ...
Silverdarling wrote: Just looked it up, I knew it was the something door, and it was the Iron Door.

Yes 20s were better than teens, TG ...

Shame about the lack of pics ... Yes you'd need a scanner definitely ...

Perhaps an idea for a new thread - As You Were Years Ago ...

Oh thats good about yr 20s SD x!

OMG! The Iron Door! That was a great club! Memories! :like:
Yeah good idea for New Year..AYWYA...
@SilverDarlingi did find one grainy old school pic in my files...i am on the left x
image.jpg (9.31 KiB) Viewed 464 times
I'm with you Silverdarling, a big, fat, resounding NO!!!! And no, I wasn't fat, they were just incredibly miserable for me. I actually feel that I am in my best place now, more confident, exercised those teenage demons, living in a beautiful place with a wonderful hubby. Ok, the weight could be better, but I have the capacity to do something about that.
I can imagine what a teenager in Liverpool would have felt like though, it would have been electric!
Oh gosh didnt mean to rake up bad memories for you guys..and i'm glad life s happier now.
My twenties were pretty awful,thirties/ forties were just slog and hard work,was ill by my i guess my teens were my happiest most carefree time xx

PS Insomnia is a sleep tonight for Candy..
SIL is snoring,DD is doing squeaky whistles... :bugeyes: :confused: :frown:
Candice, sounds like you had a magical time. How lucky you were to be there right then. I hated my teen years I'm sorry to say. I always wanted to live in New York and be part of the Studio 54 gang, but living in a council house in Leicester was just not quite the same somehow! I did the punk thing briefly (purple hair) and then later on, I have an old photo of me channelling early Madonna somewhere. If I get a mo I will post it. I look ridiculous.
@Silverdarling I am with you, Noooooooo! Hated the whole thing but lovely to hear of such nice times from others.

Ballerina x :heart:
Wow CM. you look like my mum in that pic. Except she had long blonde hair. She definitely had a brill time in the swinging sixties, and I am living proof of it. Born in 1969. My best years are now I have to say. Contentment, weight loss, healthy, not chasing false friendships. I can't tell you about my teenage years as I'll have you all in tears. Now time to get out if bed. It's Xmas eve eve. Yippee
I was an eighties girl as a teenager. I left home when I was 18 and moved into a flat in Glasgow. I look back at my late teen and early twenties very fondly. That was when I learned to live and be me and not just be my parent's daughter.
I was living in Zambia until 1966, and Zambia got its independence in 1964. Most of my friends at the all white school went off to boarding school in South Africa or Southern Rhodesia, as it was known then ( now Zimbabwe, god help them !) I refused to go to boarding school, had read too much Enid Blyton, and it sounded like torture.
So I stayed on at my present school, Chingola High, and the whole school changed. Most of the white kids had left, and were replaced with young black men, who had had poor schooling, or their schooling interupted. I was lonely, and a bit of a fish out of water.
I also came top of the class in most subjects apart from French and Latin. That didn`t bother me, I would have been even more out of my depths in boarding school.
But then Kenneth Kauda et al decided to fiddle with our test results, ( we were tested 3x / year)
I wouldn`t have minde if he had added say 10% to everyones scores, even though that would have left me with 105% for maths (mathematically impossible). But instead they wanted to add, say 40% to everyone`s scores.Ridiculous. What was the point?
So the mining company my dad worked for said they would give their employees the same amount of money that they would have spent on sending those kids to school south of the border.
So mu mother, myself, and my 3 younger sisters left, and came back to County Durham, in the North East of England, and rented a house in Newton Aycliffe, a new town where the family had been living before we went to Northern Rhodesia.
I think we got back Easter 1966, I know it was freezing, and thought people in London looked like they were living in slums, (later realised they were council flats). We had no warm clothes and all the shops were shut. There was thick snow on the ground. But it was EXCITING!
Had to go to the Durham Head of Education, and talk myself into the Grammar School, as I had never sat the 11+, and they were sticklers for rules. After about 1 hour of arguing with me, the poor man lost the will to live, and agreed that myself and sister, Jennifer, could go to the new Ferryhill Grammar Technical School. I opted for the Science stream, which only had 2 classes, and 6 girls in total, all put together in the top set (of 2).
It was BLISS.
All those boys who thought girls were stupid, suddenly got a reality check.
And it was the 60`s, with only my mother to try and supervise her headstrong, impulsive eldest daughter. (poor woman, she went back to Zambia after 3y, and I stayed on to finish my A levels living in digs, and acting in loco parentis for the little 3. No-one else in the family was prepared to do it, and as I turned 18 in September, and they had reduced the age of majority from 21 to 18, I was legally allowed to do it.
In 1970 I went to Leeds University and did a degree in Genetics, after a lot of farting about. I enjoyed the 70`s and 80`s as well. Things just started to head south in the metaphorical sense in the late 90`s, when I married the wrong man, and put on a shedload of weight, and in 90`s had to take early retirement from teaching as I was diagnosed with PVFS (post viral fatigue syndrome).
Not been a bed of roses since then, more a crown of thorns)
I am so pleased I started this wol, even though I have fallen off wagon a bit recently. Sometimes life gets in the way.
Happy Christmas ( or Newton`s birthday as we prefer to call it)
and a healthy new year,
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