I got it on the "fasting today" thread
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Hi Moogie, I thought it was date sensitive too (on older posts) but I have just replied to a newbie (she just signed in today), and I got the blank screen of death again. Good luck with your repairs
Argh! Right, well please excuse the vast amounts of test posts I'll likely be making over the next few hours as I try to figure out what's going on!
I'm not sure if you want us to report, but just got white screen for the first time today after posting on the 'fasting today' thread for 14th.
We know you're working hard on our behalf to fix it, thank you!
We know you're working hard on our behalf to fix it, thank you!
Testing one two one two
Yeh went thru like a dream! X
An early hallowe'en spook is gumming up the works!
That worked ok :0)
Still happening here and there, still no rhyme or reason to it and driving me potty.
Oh dear. Yes, the liquid fasting thread posting got gummed up.
but this one is fine
Seems so far to me to be a case of any topics created or containing posts made since Thursday night's problems, up until around lunchtime today are having issues. I've checked some older, inactive topics and they work fine. Checking older topics which recently had new posts they seem to have the problem. Checking topics which were made in the seemingly affected time period they all seem to have issues.
Right, later on I may have to try rolling back the database to a backup from before the problems started. Unfortunately this would be from just over a week ago - but should at least tell me if it's a problem in the database itself or not. If it's not then I'll restore the current database. If it turns out to be a problem in the database then I'll have to figure out where to go from there.
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