I was thinking of Penny's post (about the chaterbox) and that reminded me of a post there was on a forum I am in (about cats, the forum). Every week there is a post where everybody can talk about anything, even if it doens't have anything to do with a particular post. The right translation is "mood of the day" but I thought that thoughts would be a better idea
So here I am..... My thoughts of the day, excited and frustrated. Excited because my OH come back from the weekend tonight and frustrated because my mum is still in bed after 3 weeks. Let me tell you the excited part is much more stronger
Good week to all
So here I am..... My thoughts of the day, excited and frustrated. Excited because my OH come back from the weekend tonight and frustrated because my mum is still in bed after 3 weeks. Let me tell you the excited part is much more stronger
Good week to all