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My thoughts:

BMI segment: disappointing. A friend once asked me how long I'll be fasting for and I told him I wouldn't stop, but would fast less frequently when I got into the healthy BMI range. He told me he didn't think much of BMI and pointed out international rugby players who were technically obese. But, and it may surprise you to learn this, I am not an international rugby player.

The upshot of the program appeared to be that BMI and body fat percentage were not necessarily indicators of health. While this is true, I think it leaves a very dangerous impression, namely that BMI is not a useful measure.

Yes, BMI isn't everything, but there is a reason it is still in use, namely for most people it is a good proxy for health. In this regard, I note that the people with high BMI were generally in the low VO2 max and the poeple with higher VO2 max were generally in the healthy or mildly overweight BMI.

I think the way the program (with 12 people who for all I know had been selected for the purpose of demonstrating flaws with the BMI system and singling out those from that 12 for who the BMI system didn't work) put the case against BMI too strongly. I thought the program should have emphasised that fit and fat is the exception to the rule, it is comparatively rare and if you have a high BMI you are more likely to be unhealthy.

Low dose aspirin: Very good, I like how they just had 2 legitimate experts explain their opposing positions.

Ultrasound surgery: That was amazing, I'm still stunned at how that surgery was performed and how effective it appeared to have been. Hooray for humans and our ingenuity... woo.

Sleep quality/quantity: good.

CPR/Defib: good.

Overall: It's a light magazine show that is generally good. It's not especially detailed (not that I would expect it to be) but, as with the BMI segment, that can lead to the show giving the wrong impression.

And yes, MM is looking good, makes me think there is something to this intermittent fasting, perhaps I should give it a try :wink:

Thanks TedE for providing the link, I just watched it here in Australia from that.

Tend to agree with you on all points, my only comment is on the CPR section - aren't we supposed to check if the person still has a pulse before doing chest compression in case the heart is pumping and you set off an arhythmic reaction? She just said to check if they were breathing, not pulse too. Maybe my old first aid has been superseded and you do it anyway...

Will definitely be trying to ensure 8 hours sleep now, mine can vary from 5 - 9 depending on life.

Thanks again :smile:
Haha, clearly I haven't been paying close enough attention to resus (always assumed it would be someone else trying to resuscitate me). Anyway, I think I prefer the grab the auto defib option.

Auto defibrillators?? Where? I have NEVER seen one in this county.

Ultrasound surgery. Eeek! he was in that tube for 4 HOURS. I was in one for 35 minutes and was nearly screaming with claustrophobia by the end of it. I hope they sedated him a bit.
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