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Non-diet Chat

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Well I'm sitting in my garden on this lovely sunny afternoon and am being covered in tiny black bugs. Does anyone know what they are, there driving me mad. I'm so itchy, I know there going to go in my ears and into my brain hahaha
Sounds like blackfly - they're pretty much like greenfly except for the colour. A type of aphid. They must have mistaken you for a rose or something! :grin:
Could be grainfly- they are much smaller than blackfly and get everywhere. I once found some inside a photo frame
Hi Chippy don't know what they are but they do sound awful, but in the garden in sunshine lucky you we've had cloudy sky all day :heart:
But last week I was bothered with flies when out on one of my walks there were flies all around me so bad I cut my walk shorter to walk over fields to avoid people coz I had a swarm of flies around my head!!! What sort or pheromones was I giving off ( well hope it was pheromones) but it was bloody hot so who knows not a pretty site :clover: Sue
These are about the size of a black flys poo, really flat and sliver about on the skin, they do fly but you can't see the wings. I can feel them on my scalp, real got the itches, can't wait to have a shower once the sun has gone down
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