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Re: Yoga for weight loss
21 May 2013, 02:12
If you want to lose weight try Bikram Yoga (sometimes called hot yoga) which is performed in 40C heat for 1.5 hours. You'll feel like you're going to die during the class and you'll sweat buckets, but you feel oh so good afterwards :)
Re: Yoga for weight loss
21 May 2013, 09:55
Hi Sarah,

A little cardio might be good for you. What about 6 minutes of HIT on the bike, similar to what Mr. Mosely does? I believe in mixing things up. I ride my bike, instead of drive, walk dogs, and lift weights. But like you, yoga right now is my main activity. Speaking of which.... must go to class.
Re: Yoga for weight loss
21 May 2013, 09:58

I have no interest in Bikram yoga. What is the point of doing yoga in the heat? I get enough hot flashes on my own. I don't need any help. Also, have you read about the guy that started Bikram? He makes my skin crawl.
Re: Yoga for weight loss
21 May 2013, 21:48
I'm a yoga teacher. I've lost weight with a regular yoga practice, and have known students who have as well. But it's not calorie-burning from the yoga, but a greater awareness of your body, and minute-by-minute mindfulness that develops. Almost everyone I know who gets serious about yoga ends up radically changing their diet - fast food and crap just stop feeling good, and your body (and soul) craves real whole foods. You also stop over-eating because you are so much more aware. And when you indulge on something unhealthy, you REALLY feel it.

(Note that I'm talking about unhealthy things like processed foods)
Re: Yoga for weight loss
22 May 2013, 00:00
I so agree.since doing yoga and pilates I am much more aware of eating healthy unprocessed foods. I generally eat only good food but lots of nuts and healthy oils can be fattening too
I know I should do some cardio but just can't seem to motivate myself.
I used to go to the gym a few times a week and keep planning to return.
I love yoga so much and go about four times a week so it is a bit hard to find time to go to the gym
I know that's just a lazy excuse.
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