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Non-diet Chat

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Morning all!

I'm off to a busy morning/afternoon but I thought I'd leave you some homework before I go. :geek:

I just heard on the telly about Kryolipolisis. Have you ever heard about it? What do you know? What's your opinion?
Kryoliwhat?? Must google this.....
Wasn't he a famous Greek goalkeeper?
Not sure about your spelling, but Cryolipolysis would be the cooling of fat cells to induce lipolysis, or death and removal of surface fat cells. I believe it is also called Cool Sculpting. It is offered as a non surgical option to liposuction
I think you can get cream for it :)
Superman's weakness innit :silly:

I followed your link and found this article:
LA Times: Freezing fat might shrink it

As I understand freezing the cells does kill them, but the fat remains in the body and will be stored elsewhere. This may be a way of changing the shape of your body.

The article says:
"This is not a weight-loss device," says Dr. Mathew Avram, director of the Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center at Massachusetts General Hospital at Boston. Avram has performed more than 50 of these procedures in his clinic. He's also a stockholder in Zeltiq. In his opinion, CoolSculpting works best for people who want to trim down isolated bulges.

Very interesting
Supposedly, they freeze the cells and then they leave the body in a "natural way". I assume that you poop them?

It seems relatively inexpensive too!!!
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