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Non-diet Chat

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I ask only because i was just given a £2 one and won nothing, my friend buys them once a week and never wins, i have never heard of anyone winning big amounts just wondering brother calls them a tax on the stupid
Most I've won is £30 on a £5 scratchcard. We buy them instead of lotto tickets and have had more luck with them but to be honest overall we probably only break even! Got a fiver on a £3 card yesterday (woohoo, I can retire at last...). They're a bit of fun, but not worth a big spend!

A friend of ours seems quite lucky with them and regularly comes out on top with £20 profit or so. The other day he won £100.

Pound for pound have defo had more luck than on the lotto, and a bit more fun with these :)
I went through a spell of buying scratch cards.. bought a £5 one by mistake and won £20. occasionally get a £1 or £2 win but nothing more.

Due to win the lottery soon, so i'll just hold off til then..

Due to win the lottery soon, so i'll just hold off til then..[/quote]
you and me both :grin:
Moogie, thats a good idea may give up the lotto and do the same
My parents used to run a post office and when scratchcards first came out, they made a mistake and ordered too many. The company refused to take them back so my parents brought them home and we(parents and 3 kids) sat round scratching off £300 worth of cards. I was so excited, thinking we would win a fortune, however from £300, we ended up with £302. Taught us kids a good lesson though. We are all parsimonious when it comes to gambling :grin:
Oh this reminds me to buy a lottery ticket - powerball is at $190,000,000 tonight. I do sometimes call it a tax on the stupid, but it's honestly my stepfather's retirement plan. Sigh. He is a disabled veteran and never did earn much, so I buy powerball tickets by subscription ($20 at one pop, good for 10 drawings) and I've promised him we'll split the jackpot when we hit it. I figure I can afford the tickets better than he can.
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