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Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 10:55
I'm having a shockingly bad day. My son spent the morning having the biggest tantrum. He put his feet in his pooey nappy, and then got it everywhere whilst I was wiping his bum, he bit and scratched and hit me, he screamed until he retched, and spat his toothpaste in my face.

2 year olds suck sometimes.

Then, on the school run, I watched a cat get hit by a car on my road. There was a sickening thud, the car screeched to a stop and there was a cat in the road yowling and trying to move it's very broken leg. It was so very distressing, and I had to shepherd my 4 year old quickly on by whilst trying to stop her seeing it.

AND it's a fasting day - not that that is adding to the horror that is today, but I could really do with a big slice of cake and a hug, unfortunately I can't change the fasting day due to commitments tomorrow and over the weekend.

Just had to vent. As you were.
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 11:05
Just sending you a cyber hug - think you need one!
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 11:07
Sorry, but couldn't help but smile at the description of your 2 year old! They don't say the terrible twos for nothing do they? Awful about the cat, though. Food is such a comfort that it's difficult to change the habits of a lifetime and not have a nice cream cake as solace! You did the right thing coming here and venting! Now. put all that nervous energy to work and start thinking up some delicious new recipes - I enjoy your food ideas so much and want more! :smile:
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 11:08
Oh dear! also sending you a big hug - have that nice cake at the weekend!!
Hope your day improves!! :)
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 11:27
:hugleft: another hug to help you through your day - hope it gets better for you
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 11:34
When I was two, I ate a plateful of peas and then removed my diaper and run around the house leaving a trace of shitpeas behind me. My dad came in from work, before anybody realised what had happened, he stepped on one of the shitty peas puddle and walked to the bedroom where he wondered how did chocolate mousse got under his shoe. They still tell the story and laugh out loud!!!

Other than that, I hope that someone took the poor cat to a vet and that you feel better than you did earlier. BIG HUGS to you!!!
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 12:17
Big hug to you from down south. Great story TML that'll cheer her up!!!
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 12:26
Ah the terrible twos. I remember it well. My son could have got a gold medal in tamtrum throwing. He had the terrible twos, threes then the terrible thirteen to seventeens although to be fair he didn't throw himself to the ground screaming as a teenager! He's 26 now and very laid back and relaxed! I do hope your day improves - some days you just want to hide under the duvet.
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 12:37
I remember when my Son was that age. He had just taken a nice big soggy poo in his nappy. As soon as he had finished he jumped onto his bum. Have you ever seen a poo fountain?
It shot up his back and all over the wall he was sitting next to!
Chin up girl:-)
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 12:40
Oh what a horrible day. Things do seem to happen together, and just goes to prove what an effect high emotion can have on our hunger pangs. You have done the right thing sharing though ... Hang in there, hope this afternoon is better for you, and enjoy that huge slice of cake tomorrow ... That's what is so great about 5:2 - deferred gratification, not no gratification!
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 14:53
Thank you everyone, you are all so lovely.

I steered clear of the cake, but am going to make one tomorrow. Probably a chocolate one. I'm now working on my dinner, which is going to be aubergine parmigiana served inside the aubergine (if that makes sense). Fancy, and also, good for portion control as it's quite a high cal dish with the cheese.

Hellion son is having pasta.
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 15:16
After all these stories I wonder why people still want to put two and two together... ;-)
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 15:30
Dinner sounds lush! Hope you're feeling better and looking forward to tomorrow's cake!
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 15:36
Bet you're glad this one's coming to an end, well done for holding fast (excuse the pun!)
Re: Pretty horrible day
09 May 2013, 15:37
:bugeyes: :-o :curse: :( <--- imcountingufoz this morning .. and this from all of us ---> :hugleft: :cake: should be imcountingufoz soon -----> :grin:
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