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anyone use a standing desk?
24 May 2013, 13:37
i read the thread on NEAT with great interest, and several friends have posted on facebook recently about their standing desks, so finally decided to bite the bullet and go for it. i didn't buy a new one, but have just stacked boxes to the appropriate height (monitors and keyboard). still working out the footwear bit.

i work from home as a freelance writer, and lately my upper back has been hurting a lot. i suspect it's from sitting, so hoping this helps. but also hoping it revs up the metabolism a bit!

anyone else go this route and have some tips and tricks to share. i know i'm going to have to work a bit on my pelvis and lower back posture....
Re: anyone use a standing desk?
24 May 2013, 20:13
When I was still teaching, my back would get so out of wack at the end of the term when I was marking massive amounts of assignments and projects and inputting them into the computer. It was killer! I don't think we are meant to sit like that!
Re: anyone use a standing desk?
27 May 2013, 11:15
I've had a standing desk for awhile now. I don't really have any tricks. I was lucky in that my office is large enough that I can have my computer at the standing desk and still have space to sit and work. I do a mix, depending on the current task. I do have to wear good shoes. I keep some old running shoes in my office for days when I've worn fancier but difficult shoes to stand in.
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