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Non-diet Chat

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I went for gyna post op visit yesterday after having bladder sling procedure for weak pelvic floor.

I mention to her as well being late forties, I have zero libido and have for about 4 -5 years.
She pulls out her prescription pad and writes me out a script for testosterone cream and oestrogen cream :shock:

She told me that it would make my sex life better between my husband and me.
She never told me this was HRT. I have read up on the side effects and how you need to have blood tests every 4 weeks and the lengthy warnings. eek.

I think I'll stick to no libido and hope for the best for my sex drive.

I think I'd prefer no sex life and be alive than have great sex and then have a heart attack or stroke. The chances of womb cancer and breast are increased too.

I had some inkling of side effects and I mention this to her, and she goes, no no, no side effects.
Does she get paid by drug companies to promote this stuff.

I'm not happy but what can I do?
Is that your gp or the specialist.

You can be forthright and inform your local doctor that you do not wish to take HRT. Your local women's health centre ought to have a women's health nurse so maybe it is worth making an appointment to actually discuss your issues, there might be alternatives that can be offered for you to try

Hope you recuperate well, it's frustrating when you are prescribed something you are fundamentally opposed to but it is your right to say no as it is your body.
My mum has been on HRT for 30yrs + as had an emergency hysterectomy. They've forced her to come off it now, she not ahppy at all as she says the benefits far out weigh the risks. I'm due to have a hysterectomy too but will hang on to my ovaries so won't need it. We are all different, so hang in there.
zamale wrote: of side effects and I mention this to her, and she goes, no no, no side effects.
Does she get paid by drug companies to promote this stuff.

I'm not happy but what can I do?

Yes she probably does. I saw a frightening programme here in Spain a while ago about just that. It is amazing how docs push drugs on us because they get amaziung prizes for doing it. At least here in Spain that is the cae. I suspect it is a worldwide thing.

Apparently some people have had increased libido after being on this woe for a while. You never know!!!!
How long were the on this WOE - any ideas?
I wouldn't mind a bit of libido. :-)
zamale wrote: She pulls out her prescription pad and writes me out a script for testosterone cream and oestrogen cream :shock:

She told me that it would make my sex life better between my husband and me.
She never told me this was HRT. I have read up on the side effects and how you need to have blood tests every 4 weeks and the lengthy warnings. eek.

I think you're over-reacting a bit and perhaps have been reading some misinformation. Try ... ction.aspx ... tages.aspx

"The safety of HRT largely depends on age.
Healthy women younger than 60 years should not
be concerned about the safety profile of HRT."

The creams do indeed contain hormones (not sure why the male hormone testosterone was prescribed but that may be my ignorance) but this doesn't sound like the sort of heavy duty systemic HRT that post menopausal ladies are put on.
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