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Non-diet Chat

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Annie my friends done the tablets and nearly killed each other and after 6 months of hell they are now smoking again :cry: out of all the ways I have tried I even went to a Allen Carr seminar and left there a happy non smoker for 2 years. The best way was with patches and gum. Patches to start off with then the gum when stressed or going out. " my name is chipmunkcheeks and I'm addicted to nicotine for life" :bugeyes: I blame it on my mum, she smoked when pregnant and when I was a toddler she had to hide the ash trays as she would find me hiding eating the ash out of them ewwwwww
Hey, we're 5 years in & still clear :) :)

I wouldn't recommend the tablets to anyone though, lives were SERIOUSLY at risk
Are the tablets 'champix'? My daughter tried them, she came home for 4 days as she become so depressed in such a short amount of time she believed she was a danger to herself.
I have a friend who was a very heavy smoker who tried hypnotism. She hasn't had a cigarette since she walked out of his office! Good luck with your struggle. I am so grateful I never smoked. I just had lots of passive smoke but so far so good for me. A Dr I used to work with told his patients to think about each cigarette before having it. Some are easier than others to not have so work on them first. You CAN do it!!
Julia I'm not sure what they were called but they were really bad just lucky that they had been together for many years and new that it wasn't right!
Yes it was Champix & my lovely wonderful kind husband ended up storming out of the house & when we locked the door he broke in through a wondow & pulled the phone line out of the wall when I tried to phone the police :shock: :shock: :shock:
Have you read the Alan Carr stop smoking book? You can smoke as you read it, in fact he encourages it at the beginning. It's really good and worked for me. I've not smoked now for over ten years. Good luck!
It was that book that worked for us in the end. I still know where it is, after 5 years off the weed (I've still got my spare packet too :lol:)
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