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In honour of PennyForthem and Mariposa who have both recently taken the plunge :shock: :lol: and worn a dress (PFT) and skirt (M) .... :victory: :cool: :victory: :cool:

Got me thinking, and I couldn't actually remember the last time I wore a dress or skirt ... Not sure if this is because of increasing waist size, or fashion, or just laziness, or getting into a rut :oops:

Anyone else care to share their thoughts on the skirt/ dress issue? :cute: :cute:

When did you last wear one, and why did you stop??

And (the 64 million $ question) would you consider wearing one again ???
I last wore a skirt today- but to be honest I have never stopped wearing skirts or dresses, I tend to wear trousers more often nowadays, but that's because I walk my dogs everyday.
I wear dresses most days; they suit my hourglass figure no matter how big the hourglass has been at times! I must own 30 at least :oops: I used to wear skirts a lot but recently not so much - dresses are just so much easier. Rarely jeans, although more often now that I have a pair LOL. Leggings with short dresses occasionally in winter and never trousers. I just cannot find ones that suit my shape and admit to have given up trying!
I have only in the last year resorted to wearing a dress and only long summery maxi dresses.
I have been a life long trouser wearer in a lifelong reaction to being forced to wear a skirt and tights in winter when the snow is around your knees, having to walk two miles to school and the teachers chucked you outside at break and lunchtime in the snow to 'have fun with snowballs' and 'the fresh air is good for you' whilst the boys got to wear thick rugby socks under wool trousers and longjohns.

The last time I wore a dress was yesterday, as I use the shabby maxi dress as a sling it on form of housecoat that I look as if I've bothered, yet I'm still starkers underneath when I answer the door to the postie. The time before that was was 6 days ago to go around a food festival field. It was lovely and cool.
I've never given up dresses or skirts... I love the maxi dresses that are "in" now because I can get away with not shaving my legs! :victory: haha... don't tell my boyfriend, I don't think he's noticed....

In the summer I usually wear shorts or skirts/dresses because of the heat. Jeans are great, but they're not as flattering since I put on a few pounds. If I could fit into my old jeans I would definitely wear them!
I've always liked pants and jeans, perhaps as someone mentioned because through high school, we were required to wear dresses and skirts no matter the weather or the activity. :shock: Later I liked wearing mini-skirts because I had good legs.

When I gained weight, I preferred pants--chubby knees! Lately, I have worn a couple of slim dresses and gotten compliments. :lol: When I bought them, they were too tight to be comfortable. Now they fit just fine. Also wore a skort to play golf; I had accidentally bought a smaller size--and it worked!

I love the maxi dress look on other people. On me, it looks a little contrived. Plus, when it's hot, I don't like it sticking to my skin.

Getting dressed is a lot more fun than it used to be!
Living in the subtropics, it's skirts, dresses, and capris for me. I rarely wear trousers unless I'm travelling, or sometimes in winter.
It's so long since I wore a dress I have no idea what suits me anymore.
I last wore a skirt to a wedding in February.
I am looking forward to the summer when it comes as I certainly think dresses would be cooler on the hot days.
It may take a while to find a style that is for me though!
I love wearing dresses when the weather gets muggy, humid and unbearably hot as it tends to do in the Washington DC area around this time of the year. This whole week I've been wearing sun dresses, I like the fact that I don't have to put too much thought into getting dressed, some fun jewelry and sandals and I'm done! :cool: :cool:
I am so excited! I bought myself a new skirt last week, and had to exchange it once I'd tried it on for a smaller one - but not one, but TWO sizes smaller :) I can't remember buying this size for at least 25 years!
I can't remember and I don't think I own any dresses or skirts now, except I have kept my wedding dress. It probably fits for the first time since the actual wedding but it's too hot to try it on.

I have big thighs so worry about chafing, had some nasty days out when younger. Have always despised tights, which would have eased that issue.
I'm a pear and dresses hide a lot of lower problems. Still wear jeans and pants a lot too. Will be dressing up in a dress for a dinner out tomorrow.
I'm wearing a dress right now! I very frequently wear dresses and skirts - I work in an office where one has to look smart anyway, and even when I'm at home (like today) I'll often wear one, especially in this heat. My trouser suits are much more fitted and a still little tight at the moment.

I have a few summery linen dresses, and when I go home to New Jersey and wear them people always say "you look so fancy!" (that means "smart" in the UK). People are so much more casual in the US. I just find them more comfortable than shorts or jeans, and, at least for me, a lot more flattering!

(Bordergirl, you may know this already but among your UK (and Aussie?) friends on this forum "pants" means "underpants". Your post conjures up a funny picture in that light ;-) )
Doodle wrote: I am so excited! I bought myself a new skirt last week, and had to exchange it once I'd tried it on for a smaller one - but not one, but TWO sizes smaller :) I can't remember buying this size for at least 25 years!

this made me smile. must have been a fantastic feeling :) :)
I love dresses but only recently have taken the plunge & not worn them with leggings underneath. thats my usual way of wearing them. in the winter I add knee high boots & in the summer its sandals. much nicer without the leggings & finally getting brown legs too :)
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