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Non-diet Chat

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On tomorrow (Thu) at 9pm on BBC2. The blurb says -

As obesity escalates, the diet business is booming. In this four-part series, Jacques Peretti investigates the connections between obesity and weight loss, and confronts some of the men making a fortune from our desire to become thin.

Jacques examines the scientific reasons why so many diets fail long term and why - in spite of this failure - we go back to them again and again. He also speaks to a former director of Weight Watchers and meets other industry leaders, including Slimfast billionaire Danny Abrahams and Pierre Dukan, of the Dukan diet.

Should be interesting.
Thanks for that I look forward to watching I hate to think how much I have spent at W/W & S/W over the years :cry: :heart:
There's an interesting article in the Guardian on the subject by Jacques Peretti who made tomorrow's programme (and the brilliant The Men who made us fat) ... ry-obesity
Just watched the programme. I'm surprised by how arbitrary the definition of healthy weight is. I'd naively thought it's scientifically researched with solid evidence to back it up. Apparently not!
The ideal weight chart was news to me too. That man in the insurance office has a lot to answer to. :-o :curse: Its about time it was scrapped.

Chris x
Morning all, I too watched the programme yesterday and was facinated! I was both disappointed and pleased that I didn't see the 5:2 mentioned (unless I'm blind) - not sure why I had mixed emotions.

I'v dine WW in the past and lost weight but couldn't sustain it. What this WOL has shown me is to me mindful of what I eat, that I don't really know what hunger is and that my committment has to be long term.

I think most people want quick fixes (me too) and it's obvious that isn't the solution. I can't wait for next week's programme but will reflect on how I can use any insighgt from these programmes to support me in my current quest.

I enjoy 5:2 and think it's the one for me.

Have a good day.
I also watched it and was not surprised by any of it. Too much money is being made and too many people are being manipulated, myself included, but no more. There are many, many benefits to 5:2 but, apart from it's startling simplicity and success, the fact that it is free is one of it's greatest strengths. I don't say from a position of meanness or parsimony but because it means that I am not being manipulated, or lied to, by someone else's desire to transfer my hard earned money from my bank to theirs!

Ballerina x :heart:
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