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Hit by a car as she crossed the road :((

We were down at the beach hut when someone from the foreshore team came down to find us; our neighbours had told them it was our cat.

We only had her for nine months but she has already left a huge hole in our hearts. Poor Harry (our other cat) he is alone again :( DH is especially devastated. He found Thea when we were looking at kittens, fell in love, battled the RSPCA who said she couldn't live with other cats. She loved Harry and he loved her, mothered her the same as he did his sister. She would seek him out to play and share food bowls and so forth. She was so incredibly affectionate and loving to all of us. Loved being held and rubbing noses, and she purred louder than any cat I ever knew. She had a lot of little quirky ways which kept us amused for hours. I will miss her sitting on the post box pawing at the kitchen window to be let in SO much :((

It's not fair. :cry:
So sorry-it is a horrible way to lose a pet.
oh no! so sorry to hear this. Big hugs to you.
Oh, so sorry Winsome. Love and big hugs to you. :heart:
Oh I'm so sorry for you, that is devastating. Lucky puss to have had such a loving family
Oh... I'm so sorry to hear your news. The same thing happened to us a year ago. Our puss was about the same age, he was one in a million and we still miss him.
Oh @Winsome that's just terrible. What is happening to our beloved friends at the moment? It's horrible. I really feel for you and send you big hugs

Bean xxxx
Big hugs {{{++}}} to you my sweet.

Maggie xx
So sorry to hear that. They leave an awfully big hole in your heart.
So sad for you and your other kitty. Hugs from me and kitty Beth.
So very sorry to hear your tragic news.

Sending big hugs xxx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
That's so awful! Sending hugs.

(I know what you are going through. I grew up on a busy road and we lost a number of pets that way. After a while mum decided not to have cats any more... Though she did end up giving a home to the odd stray or two...)
Oh, how awful for you all, I know how heartbreaking this is, hugs....and some more hugs

Ballerina x :heart:
@Winsome I share your pain and read your post with tears. We lost our 2 year old huge, white cat to a car this Easter. It is so not fair. I suppose we have to be thankful for the time and the love that they shared with us but it is hard. Sending you hugs. xx
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