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Web/html etc
30 Oct 2014, 10:46


I'm keen to have a go at learning html with a view to making websites.

I'm going to need some help with this. Are there any online sites that are worth enrolling on? Has anyone else done this?

I've promised to extend the museum web (where I've been doing vol work) with pictures I've taken. I could just use on line prog but I want to learn to do it from scratch.

Any ideas apprec.
Re: Web/html etc
30 Oct 2014, 15:26
Honestly, there aren't many websites that use line by line programming any longer. That's really a throwback to the 90s when if we wanted our own websites, we'd have to know the HTML code. The website editing I've done in the past 10 years all involves using someone's software to make things a lot easier. Usually a company like a museum hires a professional to make the actual website, and they make the areas that can be fussed with - like news, photos, calendars, events and such.

The only people that use line by line programming now are actual programmers.

I actually learned what I knew of HTML from one of those "dummies" books, and a friend leaning over my shoulder when I had trouble.
Re: Web/html etc
30 Oct 2014, 15:49
Here's one:

Also, if running Internet Explorer you can press Ctrl-U to view the source code comprising any HTML page.
Re: Web/html etc
30 Oct 2014, 18:12
Tracieknits wrote: Honestly, there aren't many websites that use line by line programming any longer. That's really a throwback to the 90s when if we wanted our own websites, we'd have to know the HTML code. The website editing I've done in the past 10 years all involves using someone's software to make things a lot easier. Usually a company like a museum hires a professional to make the actual website, and they make the areas that can be fussed with - like news, photos, calendars, events and such.

The only people that use line by line programming now are actual programmers.

I actually learned what I knew of HTML from one of those "dummies" books, and a friend leaning over my shoulder when I had trouble.

No, that's why I want to do it!:-)
Re: Web/html etc
30 Oct 2014, 18:13
ADFnFuel wrote: Here's one:

Also, if running Internet Explorer you can press Ctrl-U to view the source code comprising any HTML page.

Thanks that looks useful!
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