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Non-diet Chat

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Oops a bit late doing todays. But here goes.

My plans are to make some sliding drawers for my tall larder unit. To make it something like this ... ntry-4.jpg

As there are times when I am reaching for items at the back and end up knocking over stuff at the front. I have some metal drawer sides, so I just need to cut down the existing shelves and add a front and back before re-mounting them. I thought that having shallow and then deep drawers would make it easier as well.

As well as that, I'm back in the garden to do the bulb planting I didn't manage to do yesterday as I crashed on the sofa for two hours in a very deep sleep and missed the daylight.

A quick trip to the community centre up the road to find out when the Pilates classes are as well is on the cards. I will need to make sure the instructor is properly qualified and can asses whether I can do it first is needed.

So a busy bee day today. How are you all doing?
Mammogram :0(
See grandsons :0)
My plans for the rest of the day, cycling for an hour as soon as it stops raining, after I'll have my late lunch and I'll have to contact an association which deals with problems with landlord (the heat is on, to the max, and it's only 19°C (66°F), which is not that warm...

And tonight a lovely evening with my man, best part of the day :heart:
Today is election day here in the States--State and Local issues and candidates, not Federal ones--so we will be voting just before picking up our Carshare vehicle and doing a 100-mile round-trip to an Arrhythmia Clinic for OH's annual checkup on his pacemaker. A little grocery shopping on way home before our reserved car time is up.

This evening we take a bus out to a local campus for a piano recital. Now that we live downtown and sold our car, we're not only using Carshare, but getting more acquainted with mass transportation--not as intimidating as I thought!

It's a bit of a big one-day agenda for people our age. :wink:
At work just now. But after I'm going to my Mum's to talk her through the 5:2 plan :grin: Hopefully she can try a fast tomorrow to see how it goes. I'll get her registered on here for the progress tracker if nothing else.

Needless to say I am so chuffed that my weight loss has inspired my mum to give it a try. Wish me luck :smile:
after finishing work will race home grab a quick dinner then off to see my horsey, and hopefully do about 45 mins horseriding after a few yard chores :smile:
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