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Non-diet Chat

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Hi all, late again, I really must start this just after midnight then the Australian members can join in as their day is starting, not when its nearly ended.

But here goes. Today I am finishing off the drawers I was doing yesterday, they were more problematic than I expected. I have ordered a large spice rack to screw to my cupboard door to get the 2 spice racks that are cluttering up the worktop, off the work top.

At the moment I am about to roll out some home made tortillas for lunch, though I am still fantasising about a bowl of porridge with honey and currants.

Later I need to the post office to post an ebay parcel, I need to buy some pineapple as well because the youngest son is making sweet and sour chicken for dinner and needs extra pineapple.

So today is fairly quiet, curling up on sofa later with a mug of hot chocolate and a good book is looking promising.

Hows your day so far and what do you think you will doing today?
Hi there, just back from coffee n cake with the girls ( no fasting today:) ) then I'm off to stand in a cold field in the rain, whilst Min takes part in a cross country tournament. Must remember to take a flask of coffee with me. Then home and dinner, then off to watch Min swim training tonight. As you can see I am an avid sports fan, from the sidelines.:)

Then sofa, tv n bed!
Have a good day everyone x
Ironing :confused:

Ballerina x
Piccalilli and playing with my new camera (I've put its strap on and charged its battery!!)
Nice day today. Work this morning. Lunch with a friend, (just finished), then Burlington House Piccadilly for an exhibition, and then dinner out tonight too! :like:
Worked in a charity shop till after lunch. We were really busy today despite the rain so the time passed quickly. Then went to the gym for a zumba toning class and a fruit tea with a friend in the café afterwards :bashful:
When I got home the coconut flour I ordered online had arrived so will be able to try some of the low carb recipes I've been dying to try now.
I need my spare bedroom so I have just wrapped all the Christmas presents that were on the bed.The room now looks worse than when I started!
Julie - when is there going to be some activity in the shed???!!!! :shock: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Looking forward to tomoz - day off :victory: :victory: :victory:
Eating or thinking of food mostly :razz:

I'll be breaking my 36hr fluid fast with lunch out with a friend in a quaint little village nearby. Then doing bookwork this afternoon. Setting up for gado gado for our dinner before I leave for lunch.

Wow @Merlin I haven't even started Christmas shopping or it's planning :( . Just formalised where we are sharing lunch so that means shopping for 5 more people. All good though :smile:
Have a good sleep up north and enjoy you day everyone
I'm fasting so also thinking of food. Food shopping, @Ballerina I'm ironing too. Should sort out the paperwork in the office I'm sure there's lots of unpaid bills lurking. Wow what a boring day ahead, maybe I should just go back to bed :?:
It's morning. i'm going to Burnie to take OH for his gastroscopy. Then home. I'm going to make the cooking plans for the week, make a shopping list and go shopping - yesterday was pay day. I like to have a plan so I don't find myself at 6 pm wondering what to cook. I like to shop once a week so I have everything I need and to shop within the budget. We are having guests for dinner tomorrow so I have to decide what to make. I want to get my Christmas plans happening, too. Then I have to pick up said OH some time this afternoon. It's about a 40 minute drive up to the hospital. IT looks like rain, but maybe I'll get to the wilderness in the front 'garden' again.
Inspired by Merlin I have started Christmas shopping, and I am inspired I am going to do a hamper for the family of 4 where we family of 3 are going for Christmas lunch. Brought a very nice basket from Vietnam and I will now fill it up with my homemade preserves and other suitable gifts, it will be like their lucky dip. Will take inspiration from Ballerina and make sure that there are a lot of gold coins of chocolate filling up the spaces. The gado gado is prepares too. Am off shopping now
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