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I have a tiny problem. For the first time ever the heat wave changes my way of eating. On fast days it's easy and great, I am full of energy, don't feel hunger pangs, drink plenty of water and iced coffee, eat my meal at night (always the same) and everything is fine.

On feast days, on the other hand, I am not hungry and doing 2 meals is very difficult. I skip breakfast altogether but often forget to eat at lunch so I wont eat something before 3:00PM and, for dinner, I don't eat something before 9:00PM, ofter cereals as it seems to be the only "food" I can eat. I know it's not healthy and I want to change that. I need help to find some ideas of fresh (and cheap) things to eat

How do you organize your meals when it's very hot outside ?

Did this diet change your way of eating when it's very hot ? I truly believe it's a side effect as the body got used to eat less these past months but how to keep a good balance ?
I think it's fine to just have whatever you fancy whenever you fancy it. I am eating mountains of salad at the moment, and I also love cold chunks of watermelon. I find that the heat makes me feel worse when I'm fasting (I still get hunger pangs and really want ice cream!) but I also don't want to eat lots on feed days - I'm snacking rather than eating full meals. I have filled my fridge with cold meats, salads and sparkling water and I mainly eat things that don't need much if not any cooking. Olives are a great salty snack that help me avoid crisps. I think when I've been drinking gallons of water and sweating lots I need a bit of salt from time to time.

My other posts probably reveal I am not a fan of very hot weather and have been relishing the cooler weather we've been having over the weekend. Looks like we'll have muggy stormy weather this week - looking forward to a bit of rain (as is my garden) although looks like it will still be hot. Not getting bored with salad yet (or the mounds of lovely seasonal fruits like cherries, raspberries and peaches) so that's my dinner later!
I made a beautiful salad the other day. All ingredients chopped really small. Tomato, spring onion, avocado, peppers, cucumber. I add some roasted chopped or sliced almonds. Then I make a dressing of part wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Delish!!!! my son had chickpea stew for his lunch but ended up steal
ing a lot of my salad. Next time I will make a bigger one and just offer him that.
I have been eating salads, fruits, and icy protein smoothies.
My favorite meal for the heat wave: take a large but thin slice of hearty wholemeal bread and top it with a goat cheese crottin (if it's thick, slice it into two rounds), then put it under the broiler until the bread is toasty and cheese is melty. Serve it with a simple green salad of greens, tomato slices and cucumber slices, with a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette.
I am fed up with salads but I'll try the smoothies and iced soups. I maybe will try one of my childhood favorite recipes which was milk, bread, a little bit of sugar (or honey or even caramel). It's fresh, simple, no fuss, no cooking, perfect for this weather (30+° at 8:00 AM by the way) :cool:
I rather enjoyed having vegetable soups (chunky type) during the heatwave here in the UK. I found them easy on the stomach and quite filling. I did have ice cream too, a lot, but that was more for the taste than anything else :razz:

Well, the hot weather is now over so can go back to normal :smile:
You are sooooooo lucky that it's over for you, here it's crazy hot

I remember, when I was 20, I lived in England, I was living in Tunbridge Wells, and even if it was hot it was much easier than here. Ok, maybe I am not very objective on this one, I loved living there and I guess I am still in my happy place when I think of it :grin:
I used to make a cold cucumber yogurt soup. I'll dig out the recipe. Gazpacho is also good when its hot. I like hummus and babaganoush when it's hot, too.
I'm in France too and not enjoying the hezt, I think I've had just about the two worst nights sleep ever these last two nights!

I've been eating lots of salads and trying to make them interesting by varying them as much as possible, on Saturday I had greek salad, I had tabulé and falafel on Sunday and pad thai salad yesterday which was lovely. I'm planning to eat gaspachio at lunch and maybe cesar salad this evening...with the odd milkshake or ice cream too cool down!
I like cold melon for breakfast, raspberries - tis the time of plenty!
Love rocket too

In Brighton it is still hot and humid, we don't seem to have had the rain that some nearby places had overnight. My part of town has become a kind of suburban playground for very noisy seagulls and their irritating chicks. All windows open overnight, so woken every morning about 4am by shrieking gulls.
Thinking of finally allowing middle son to buy a BB gun.....

(that last line was a thought but won't become a reality!)
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