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Well done @carorees! A gap at the top of your thighs! I'd LOVE to have that..
Like you said,may well have had it as a young girl,but we werent body conscious enough then to notice..
Unfortunately, i saw on a tv programme,that for many young girls today,that gap is something to aspire to.
I am loving wearing close-fitting tops, sleek trousers and skirts, size 10/12 depending on cut. It's great not to fiddle about indecisively with "will it fit?" knowing that it will. I am so enjoying a trim midriff and the new mobility with a slimmer figure. However, the relatively small price to pay are wrinkly boobs and saggy thigh tops even though there's a gap between them! At my age sagging is a reality for most, though do I go to the gym and do HIIT. Too bad that I may dislike wearing my swimming costume this summer because of the top of my legs......get in the water quick! the rest of me is just fine. Just thought, perhaps I should try on my bathing suits, in case I swim out of them! :wink: :grin:
The best thing for me is that I look ok when I try new clothes on - tho it has meant I end up buying more than I originally intended!!
Yes that is the problem isn't it! I'm quite lucky, because my Mum dresses modern for her age, is now a size smaller than me, and passes on quite a few of her cast-offs ... Just got 3 pairs of size 12 jeans / chinos. Which has saved some money (or left some to spend on other clothes more likely :oops: :cool: :wink: )
I love being able to wear a certain size 12 fitted linen dress from fourteen years ago. It's the dress I wore the night I met my husband in person for the first time (we met online) and he goes all gooey when I wear it :smile:

That dress illustrates what I've said before about the last 1/2 stone going off my boobs:- I'm 8lbs heavier than the day I met him, the same dress size BUT I was a 34C bra then and have some precious ones to prove it. I'm a 34DD/E now!
I love the way clothes fit now. I feel so much neater, if that makes any sense.
MaryAnn, that makes perfect sense. Until a few weeks ago I was wearing the same winter coat I wore last year, when I began dieting, and it's more than sizes too big now so you can imagine easily how ridiculous it looks. It was the same for quite a lot of my clothes until I found a second hand pair of jeans (only 1€, a very good bargain) and dared to wear clothes from 20 years ago..... Now, even if the jeans are one size too big since I bought them, I don't look ridiculous when I dare looking in the mirror. Because, yes, now I look in the mirror !!!!!!! :victory: :cool:

For the pics, that'll have to wait until I have a bit more meat on my bones :grin:

I forgot to say, I love my neck now. I have a long thin neck and I think it makes me look more like a woman. It's difficult to explain.

Next step, to get rid of the cellulite :cool:
TMI alert

I love the fact that the tops of my inner thighs don't chafe when I go bare legged now :smile:
Im no way near there yet but I'm starting to see some "sides" and I love the way my jeans are just hanging when it wasn't so long ago that I struggled to pull them on. Makes you feel pretty good doesn't it

I am a classic pear shape. All my adult life, trousers have strained at the thighs! Never has there been any space.....until now!

What an utter novelty that is! Of course, it was never any fun having your thighs strangled by your own trousers....but I just resigned myself to it.....& kept on scoffing :confused:

It is so different now.....& I am loving it! Even though I have loads more weight to shift, I am so moving in the right direction & am determined to carry on - hurrah!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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