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Non-diet Chat

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Hi Clairemarie, I have put on 5lbs since the op, but hopefully will lose this and lots more when I am mobile...and back on my two fast days!!
Sitting in our caravan in the corner of a field and it's chucking it down.
I've been very busy changing my avatar!
It's been raining here in Cornwall all day, and more on the way. :frown:

I haven't done much so far today, I can't don my waterproofs and wellies and take the dog for a walk as she won't step outside the front gate when it rains, she just dashes into the garden for a quick wee and back again in less that a minute.

I'm thinking about painting one of the kitchen walls - I've been thinking about that on and off since I started it over a year ago but this time I'm determined to finish it! I even bought some paint for the doors yesterday so no more excuses, I'm going to do it....NOW!!!

Wish me luck!
For me on this lovely sunny Sunday afternoon I shall be mostly drinking wine hahahaha :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: cheers :smile:
We have car clubs here in the UK, at least we did in Edinburgh. We lived in the centre of the city but never went out so moved back to the countryside...I'd move back once I couldn't drive though as it's good to be able to get out and about.

I've also cleaned my fridge, made bacon & cabbage soup and roast veg for tea.
Did a Sunday Dinner of turkey steaks, yorkshire puds, stuff, boiled taters, carrots, and gravy. Washed down with fresh strawberries and cream. Other half has just left for work, and I've just had an afternoon nap.

On the subject of art, I like working with watercolours, but it's been far too hot the past few weeks for me to paint. Stuff is drying too fast for me to manipulate it properly, so I gave up until its cooler. Just concentrate on pencil and pastel work for now.
I've just got back from a dinner dance held by the Anciens Combattants...the Frenchmen who fought during the war in Algeria. Every year there are fewer of them left, and we always get asked...the only English there, so a great complement. The menu was
Aperitif...pernod or sweet wine with nibbles
Cold Meats, tomato and potato salad
Roast pork with the most garlicky white beans you could imagine
Lettuce and cheese
Fruit tart
Ice cream cake
Very strong coffee
Loads of wine was thrust upon us, well DH as I was the driver
DH has retired to bed, poor thing, very unsteady on his pins, I have made a lovely cup of Rosie Lee and am sitting with the fan on...41 degrees outside.
At about 8pm I'll go for a swim, and thats me for the day
Fasting tomorrow and SO ready for it!
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