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Witches and Wizard's wands.
20 Jul 2014, 12:13
I'm planning on making some witches and wizards wands to sell at a car boot (to get some money in after having to buy a replacement car because the old car couldn't take the new wheelchair).

Those of you with youngsters of the Harry Potter fan club age, how much would you be willing to pay for an individually made, handmade, hardwood wand?
Re: Witches and Wizard's wands.
20 Jul 2014, 16:02
On Ebay they seem to go between £5 to £20 depending on size and whether or not they are personalised. Etsy seems the same for pricing. Hope that helps.
Re: Witches and Wizard's wands.
20 Jul 2014, 16:23
Can't answer the question-but good luck with the enterprise.
Re: Witches and Wizard's wands.
20 Jul 2014, 16:50
I was at Harry Potter World earlier this week and they were selling for £24.95.
Re: Witches and Wizard's wands.
20 Jul 2014, 16:54
I paid $20 (USD) for one for my son when he was little. And my budget was tighter then, because we were paying for private school. This was handmade, unlicensed at a craft fair.

I don't know if you know much about broom making, or how difficult it is. But we paid $40 for a lovely handmade broom. It was made from a reasonably straight, unfinished (unsanded - bark intact) tree branch, straw and twine, so the materials were cheap enough and the cash mostly went toward labor. This gentleman liked to make brooms for a hobby, and he had all sorts of natural brooms for sale, but the harry potter style rustic brooms were a lot of fun.
Re: Witches and Wizard's wands.
20 Jul 2014, 18:45
Can't answer about the pricing, sorry, but good luck!

OT, but wow @Chris P I love your new photo - you look fabulous and SO vibrant and happy :smile:
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