The FastDay Forum

Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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That doesn't sound too indulgent. It could have been far worse,'ll have worked off some calories during the house clean.

I ate more than I planned yesterday, but not massively so. I had vegetable chilli with no wraps or other carboydrates, but than followed it with oatcakes and blue cheese. It probably wasn't too bad for a whole day's eating, but I could really do with having a tighter handle on things. I keep saying that............

Have a good day and here's to a successful next fast.
Here we go again. right now drinking blueberry and apple tea when what I really want is a cappuccino.... Haha
Blueberry and apple tea; that sounds really nice. Have a good day.

Today is my fastiversary. I had thought that I'd be slightly lower in weight, but I have lost more than four stones and I'm still losing, although at a much slower rate. My appetite is much reduced, I no longer eat mindlessly, blood glucose levels are much better and I'm much slimmer. I'm a walking advert!
Well done walking advert... You really have a role model achievement! Just beginning official week 3, I still have a lot to learn! One thing I already feel, although not much change on the scales, is that I am generally in charge of eating rather than eating being in charge of me. Doing 5:2 makes it easier to say "no" to other unhelpful things on other days.
Happy Fastiversary, @Bracken! Your Progress Tracker really demonstrates how well you have done in just one year - and only six pounds to go until you reach your goal weight! Maintenance is only a whisker away! :grin:
You deserve lots of :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: and are, indeed, a walking advertisement!
Good Morning@eyup,

It's good to hear that you feel more focused and in control. I agree; this way of eating has also helped me to be more mindful.

Have a good day.
Hi Bracken, I am still on the planet and I think that today is fast 1 of week 6. The scale is finally showing a slight movement!!!! I have written several posts which disappear rather than end up on the thread so obviously my techie skills not up to much!!!! How are you? Nearly another month nearer your op. Have a wonderful day......
Good Morning. I was wondering what had happened to you! I'm glad to hear that you are seeing the weight loss now. My loss is very slow at present, but there still is one, and I expect to see a significant loss after surgery.
I've not been having a good time lately, as I have been in a great deal of pain. The doctor is trying out different painkillers and says that the next step is morphine, which is not good, but I might have to go down that route, as nothing seems to be touching it. I'm a pathetic creature just now, and I don't think a wonderful day is on the cards, but I'll do the best I can under the circumstances. I hope you have a good day.
Oo, so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain.. that is really hard. I will pray for some relief!
Thanks for that. I have been to the doctor's this morning and have come away with a parcel of medication, including morphine. Hopefully that will soon start kicking in. He observed that I should expect a massive weight loss after the surgery, so at least there's some light at the end of the tunnel. On the down side, most of my medication needs to be taken with food and the morphine syrup contains a lot of sucrose, so I probably won't do well in the short term. However, I'll stick with it.

I hope that you continue to do well.

Bracken x
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