I have just found this article on the BBC website which questions the general belief that taking smoothies is better for you than coffee since they add more fruit to your diet. The article seems to point out that this is not really the case and since this is something which Dr. MM himself has been involved in, this would appear to be quite a sound study. It would therefore be interesting to get other people's views on that.
I have never had a smoothie in my life before, but I do drink de-caffeinated coffee on my non fasting days with a little bit of milk, and no sugar. However, even that never amounts to any more than three cups of coffee in any given day.
I have never had a smoothie in my life before, but I do drink de-caffeinated coffee on my non fasting days with a little bit of milk, and no sugar. However, even that never amounts to any more than three cups of coffee in any given day.