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Cranberries cheesecake :-)
26 Sep 2013, 17:47
Another one of my experiment :grin: and i can confirm it tastes delicious, the cranberries giving it a little bi of a twang :razz:

From the cheesecake addict! :like: :heart:
Re: Cranberries cheesecake :-)
26 Sep 2013, 19:37
Looks lovely, delicious, how many calories?

And, never mind the calories, how about a recipe .......
Re: Cranberries cheesecake :-)
26 Sep 2013, 20:31
Yuuuummmy :heart: :heart:
I'm with AnnieD :heart: recipe please :heart: Sue
Re: Cranberries cheesecake :-)
27 Sep 2013, 06:14
Hi girls!!
i really wouldnt know how mnay calories lol!! but i did post the recipe a little while ago, its in here somewhere :-) so easy to do! and you can add any fruit you like, just one suggestion though, try using dry fruit rather than fresh as it will weight the cake down, i did that with fresh blueberries grrrrrrrrr :curse:

another VERY important bit of advice, please please let the cheesecake cool down, still in its tin, then in the fridge, in the tin!! for a good few hours or ideally overnight and you will find it come off beautifully then :grin:

get baking!! xx :victory: :like: :grin:
Re: Cranberries cheesecake :-)
27 Sep 2013, 14:46
Thank you so much Betsygr8!!

and just for the record, its 3 eggs ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Cranberries cheesecake :-)
27 Sep 2013, 14:51
Mmmmm just been looking at the recipe and photosfrom yr august post..
I am repairing and fasting today so its all making me hungry!
Roll on dindins time!veggie sausage with bubble n squeak and cauliflower!
And tomorrow,maybe just a little squidgeon of cheesecake! X :razz:
Re: Cranberries cheesecake :-)
27 Sep 2013, 15:38
Looks delish! Wish my baked cheesecakes didn't always collapse in the middle :(
Re: Cranberries cheesecake :-)
27 Sep 2013, 20:33
Moogie the trick, for me anyway, is to leave the cheesecake in its tin till its cooled down then stick in the fridge for a good few hours, still in its tin, and it will set really nicely!
I use one of them tins you can open and the bottom falls out lol :-)
Do you use flour in yours? This recipe is a french one...
Try it and see! Xx
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